HI, can someone post a tutorial on how to add dhtml text areas, even say to a custom module so I can see how its done, sadly im not getting very far.
This is what ive got so far
include (XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/class/xoopsform/formdhtmltextarea.php");
$snForm = new XoopsFormDhtmlTextArea('content',5,50);
then to display the form
td class='col'>$snFormtd>tr>
needless to say the form does not load.
it was my understanding that calling the render method of the class would, well render the form, thats where im stuck i dont know what else is required to get the form to display. am I calling the method correctly? with ->
Another option to get syntax highlighting:
I downloaded syntax highlighter form alexgorbatchev.com included all the files as required in index_tpl
<script type="text/javascript" src="<{xoAppUrl /modules/tad_faq/sh/shCore.js}>">script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<{xoAppUrl /modules/tad_faq/sh/brushes/shBrushJava.js}>">script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<{xoAppUrl /modules/tad_faq/sh/brushes/shBrushJScript.js}>">script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<{xoAppUrl /modules/tad_faq/sh/brushes/shBrushPhp.js}>">script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<{xoAppUrl /modules/tad_faq/sh/brushes/shBrushCss.js}>">script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<{xoAppUrl /modules/tad_faq/sh/brushes/shBrushAS3.js}>">script>
<link href="<{xoAppUrl /modules/tad_faq/sh/shCore.css}>" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="<{xoAppUrl /modules/tad_faq/sh/shThemeDefault.css}>" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script type="text/javascript">
tried adding some javascript into fck editor using script method as explained on syntaxhihglighter site but the syntax highlighter does not show up the code just shows as text, when putting the javascript into fckeditor 'view source' nothing shows up at all.
anyone got any ideas?