In theme
Eglass there is a code that automatically displays in the navigation bar installed modules.
Here's the code:
<{php}> include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/modules/system/blocks/system_blocks.php'; $modules = b_system_main_show(); $this->assign('defModules', $modules); <{/php}> <li><a href="<{$xoops_url}>"><{$defModules.lang_home}>a>li> <{foreach item=module from=$defModules.modules}> <li> <a href="<{$xoops_url}>/modules/<{$module.directory}>/"><{$module.name}>a>li> <{/foreach}>
I wanted this code to display an image or color on the link module when they were open ( current )
how do I do that?
thank you