I've discovered two bugs (I think) in News 1.66 (Xuups version) under 2.4.5. I think - retrospectively - these were already present in News 1.64 under Xoops 2.3
1) The page counter on the index page of News is not working correctly. If there are some categories that you don't want to show on the index page (which can be indicated per category, in the topics table), the news items in these categories are taking into account in the page counter. E.g.: 100 news item total, 20 in categories not to be shown on index page: you expect on the index page 8 pages of 10 items. The page counter on the index page indicates 10 pages. When you look at page 9 and 10, they are empty (no news items). I think this is a bug: the page counter shouldn't count items in the "categories not to be displayed" and should indicate 8 pages (of 10 items per page).
2) Xoops search doesn't work correctly if in News the option "restricted categories not on index page" is activated.
If you create some categories with limited access in News (e.g. acces for registered users but not for anonymous users), the Xoops search doesn't find correctly all articles in the public categories. E.g.: if you have 20 articles with "searchword" in public categories, and the "restricted categories not on index page" is off, Xoops finds 20 articles searchin for "searchword"; if the "restricted categories not on index page" is activated, Xoops finds 5 articles searching for "searchword", even if the other 15 are in the public categories.
Do you have any ideas for solutions ?
Thanks !