How I installed Gallery 2.3.1
  • 2010/10/13 14:42

  • jlm69

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 719

  • Since: 2002/7/19

xoopsgallery with xoops 2.3.3b

I had a site that was running Xoops 2.0.18 and I desperatly wanted to upgrade but I had a photo gallery made with xoopsgallery that had over 1600 pictures in it so I had no good way to upgrade the site and still have the gallery work. I thought others might be interested so here is how I did it.

first I had to get all the pictures out of the old gallery. I had about 50 albums so I took all the original .jpg's out of the albums and put them in a separate folder with the same name as the album they came from.

Then I deactivated all the modules in the old site and Upgraded the xoops site to Xoops 2.3.3b had no problems.


I downloaded xg2_1_rc4_with_xoops_2_3_3_fixes
I downloaded [url=http://codex.gallery2.org/Gallery2ownload]gallery version 2.3.1[/url]

1. I deleted everything from the xg2.1/engine folder.

2. I added everything from the gallery2 folder into the now empty xg2.1/engine folder.

3. upload and follow the directions givin in x2g. I did not activate the url rewrite module when that time came because somewhere I read that could mess things up.
You may need to make a file called login.txt in the modules/YOUR_GALLERY/engine folder
and copy and paste the number given during the authorization part at the begining of the installation.

4. after you follow those directions you will need to go into the xoops modules admin, go to the gallery, go into preferences and look at the bottom for Configuration Complete? check 'yes'

5. when you go to xoops modules admin > gallery > admin index you will see
Export 'your_user' to the image gallery here - click on here you will be added
Export All Xoops users to the image gallery here - click on here all users will be added, you will see a list of all users
Export All Xoops groups to the image gallery here - click on here - all groups will be added

The main thing is that the users will not be added to the new gallery until they login and go to the gallery.
Not everything works perfect, but it is really good enough to use.

The things you can't do as an admin in the Xoops side you can do if you log in to the gallery itself at

you may need to go into modules/YOUR_GALLERY/engine/config.php and look for this:

$gallery->setConfig('mode.embed.only', false);

If it is set to 'false' you can access the gallery through this link:


If it is set to 'true' you can not access the gallery that way, only through Xoops

It didn't take long to add the old photos back, now I have an up to date version of the gallery.

I just need to wait till everyone logs in so I can regive them permission to add to their albums.

I thought someone might be interested in this that is why I am posting it.

If anyone tries and has problems I will TRY to help, post here.

Good Luck,


Re: How I installed Gallery 2.3.1
  • 2010/10/13 19:38

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11424

  • Since: 2004/4/23

John, this is very helpful. I have an installation with XoopsGallery with close to 80,000 pictures, and I am debating how to move them to something else, so this might be a very good way.

I don't know when I'll have time to look into the migration, but it's good to know that somebody did it, and how...

Thank you for doing it.
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