Upgrading from 2.0.15 to 2.4.5
  • 2010/9/10 17:19

  • Simon_VM

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 1

  • Since: 2010/9/10


I've been working with XOOPS 2.0.15/2.0.16 for several years, build a dozen or so websites, several still active, and I'm thinking about upgrading to the latest stable version.

Used a lot of modules during those years, with a basic set consisting of achat 0.22, extgallery 1.01, newbb 3.07, news 1.44, smartfaq 1.08, smartsection 2.12, tinycontent 1.5, wfchannel 1.07 and wordbook 1.16.

Got some programming experience, created my own themes, and have enough time right now to do some work.

I was wondering if I could contribute in some way; module testing, small bug fixes, language support (I'm Dutch), and such, while, at the same time, getting all my websites neatly upgraded. It's not about needing a lot of help, though I don't mind a good tip, once in a while, but more about doing something that could be useful to others.

So here's the question: I'm thinking about going straight to XOOPS 2.4.5, using CBB 4.03 beta 3, and switching wordbook for lexikon 1.1, and tinycontent for content 1.32, but if there's a better way to contribute to the xoops community, I don't mind changing my plans and doing something else.

Advice and suggestions would be appreciated!

Take care,


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