Formulize 3.12 Query Failure
  • 2010/5/24 18:55

  • StacyPii

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 27

  • Since: 2010/4/6 1

I created a form, did a test run, and it worked.

I created another form, did a test run, and got this result:

Error: your data could not be saved in the database. This was the query that failed:
INSERT INTO blank__formulize_6 (`creation_datetime`, `mod_datetime`, `creation_uid`, `mod_uid`, `internship_opportunities`, `hire`, `scholarships`, `contribute__subjectmatter`, `contribute_knowledge_assessments`, `review_courses`, `review_chemistry_physics`, `review_introduction_to_analyzers`, `review_health_environmental_safety`, `review_sample_systems`, `review_physical_property_analyzers`, `review_composition_analyzers`, `recommend_curriculum_colleges`, `recommend_for_incumbenteducation`, `enroll_courses_collegecredit`, `enroll_courses_incumbentworkereducation`, `demonstrate_analyzers_inperson`, `demonstrate_audio_video`, `donate_equipment`, `other`, `name`, `e-mail`, `phone_number`) VALUES (NOW(), NOW(), 94, 94, '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '', 'name name', 'email email', 'phone phone')
Unknown column 'donate_equipment' in 'field list'

I ran debug and got these errors:

Notice: Undefined variable: element_handler in file /modules/formulize/include/readelements.php line 73
Notice: Undefined index: delconfirmed in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 81
Notice: Undefined index: cloneconfirmed in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 81
Notice: Undefined index: delviewid_formulize in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 81
Notice: Undefined index: saveid_formulize in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 81
Notice: Undefined index: caid in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 81
Notice: Undefined index: delconfirmed in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 126
Notice: Undefined index: cloneconfirmed in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 144
Notice: Undefined index: delview in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 156
Notice: Undefined index: resetview in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 182
Notice: Undefined index: saveid_formulize in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 192
Notice: Undefined variable: currentView in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 333
Notice: Undefined index: loadreport in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 371
Notice: Undefined index: advscope in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 437
Notice: Undefined index: currentview in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 439
Notice: Undefined index: oldcols in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 447
Notice: Undefined index: newcols in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 453
Notice: Undefined index: xport in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 484
Notice: Undefined variable: loadedView in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 494
Notice: Undefined index: curviewid in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 494
Notice: Undefined index: lastloaded in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 494
Warning: array_multisort() [function.array-multisort]: Argument #1 is expected to be an array or a sort flag in file /modules/formulize/include/functions.php line 293
Notice: Undefined variable: p_reports in file /modules/formulize/include/functions.php line 295
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in file /modules/formulize/include/functions.php line 295
Warning: array_multisort() [function.array-multisort]: Argument #1 is expected to be an array or a sort flag in file /modules/formulize/include/functions.php line 299
Warning: array_multisort() [function.array-multisort]: Argument #1 is expected to be an array or a sort flag in file /modules/formulize/include/functions.php line 304
Notice: Undefined variable: np_reports in file /modules/formulize/include/functions.php line 306
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in file /modules/formulize/include/functions.php line 306
Warning: array_multisort() [function.array-multisort]: Argument #1 is expected to be an array or a sort flag in file /modules/formulize/include/functions.php line 309
Notice: Undefined variable: loadviewname in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 843
Notice: Undefined variable: curviewid in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 844
Notice: Undefined index: loadviewname in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 497
Notice: Undefined index: lastloaded in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 503
Notice: Undefined index: hlist in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 519
Notice: Undefined index: hcalc in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 520
Notice: Undefined index: lockcontrols in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 523
Notice: Undefined index: asearch in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 560
Notice: Undefined index: asearch in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 561
Notice: Undefined index: ventry in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 576
Notice: Undefined index: sort in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 580
Notice: Undefined index: order in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 581
Notice: Undefined index: calc_cols in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 594
Notice: Undefined index: calc_calcs in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 595
Notice: Undefined index: calc_blanks in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 596
Notice: Undefined index: calc_grouping in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 597
Notice: Undefined index: formulize_cacheddata in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 600
Notice: Undefined index: ventry in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 602
Notice: Undefined variable: searches in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 664
Notice: Undefined index: sort in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 664
Notice: Undefined index: order in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 664
Notice: Undefined index: forcequery in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 664
Notice: Undefined index: as_0 in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 3803
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 3851
Notice: Undefined index: formulize_previous_filter in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 3967
Notice: Undefined index: formulize_previous_querystring in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 3968
Notice: Undefined index: formulize_previous_scope in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 3969
Notice: Undefined offset: 3 in file /modules/formulize/include/extract.php line 435
Notice: Undefined index: creator_email in file /modules/formulize/include/extract.php line 512
Notice: Undefined variable: existsJoinText in file /modules/formulize/include/extract.php line 562
Notice: Undefined variable: existsJoinText in file /modules/formulize/include/extract.php line 603
Notice: Undefined index: formulize_returnAfterSettingBaseQuery in file /modules/formulize/include/extract.php line 612
Notice: Undefined variable: masterResults in file /modules/formulize/include/extract.php line 796
Notice: Undefined variable: formulize_cachedDataId in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 4063
Notice: Undefined variable: wq in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 4071
Notice: Undefined index: hlist in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 4085
Notice: Undefined variable: searches in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 669
Notice: Undefined variable: formulize_export_cache_files in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 3675
Notice: Undefined variable: loadedview in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 1170
Notice: Undefined index: forcequery in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 1180
Notice: Undefined index: sort in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 679
Notice: Undefined index: order in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 679
Notice: Undefined variable: searches in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 679
Notice: Undefined index: xport in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 1254
Notice: Undefined index: as_0 in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 1357
Warning: key() [function.key]: Passed variable is not an array or object in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 1395
SET NAMES 'utf8'
SELECT * FROM xoops__config WHERE (conf_modid = '0' AND conf_catid = '1') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
SELECT sess_data, sess_ip FROM xoops__session WHERE sess_id = 'ojeov6k8ectd08tsef17og2tp4'
SELECT * FROM xoops__users WHERE uid = '94'
SELECT * FROM xoops__modules WHERE dirname = 'formulize'
SELECT * FROM xoops__config WHERE (conf_modid = '85') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xoops__banner
SELECT * FROM xoops__banner LIMIT 0, 1
UPDATE xoops__banner SET impmade = impmade+1 WHERE bid = 4
SELECT * FROM xoops__config WHERE (conf_modid = '0' AND conf_catid = '3') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
SELECT DISTINCT gperm_itemid FROM xoops__group_permission WHERE gperm_name = 'block_read' AND gperm_modid = 1 AND gperm_groupid IN (1,2)
SELECT b.* FROM xoops__newblocks b, xoops__block_module_link m WHERE m.block_id=b.bid AND b.isactive=1 AND b.visible=1 AND m.module_id IN (0,85) AND b.bid IN (224,223,225,226,227,228,231,214,213,216,215,217,220,219,218,243,209,207,208,210,192,189,188,190,191,132,176,175,168,165,166,169,139,133,170,171,135,134,136,137,138,119,118,172,173,174,117,116,115,114,113,81,80,79,78,77,76,75,63,62,61,60,59,58,57,56,43,42,41,40,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,179,178,177,203,199,197,196,122,108,164,163,162,195,241,242,240,239,235,236,237,238,244) ORDER BY b.weight,b.bid
SELECT f.*, s.tpl_source FROM xoops__tplfile f LEFT JOIN xoops__tplsource s ON s.tpl_id=f.tpl_id WHERE (tpl_tplset = 'default' AND tpl_file = 'system_block_search.html') ORDER BY tpl_refid
SELECT * FROM xoops__modules WHERE (hasmain = '1' AND isactive = '1' AND weight > '0') ORDER BY weight ASC, mid ASC
SELECT * FROM xoops__group_permission WHERE (gperm_name = 'module_read' AND gperm_modid = '1' AND (gperm_groupid = '1' OR gperm_groupid = '2'))
SELECT * FROM xoops__netquery_whois ORDER BY whois_tld
SELECT id_form, desc_form FROM xoops__formulize_id
SELECT * FROM xoops__modules WHERE dirname = 'news'
SELECT * FROM xoops__config WHERE (conf_modid = '74') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
SELECT * FROM xoops__groups
SELECT * FROM xoops__groups
SELECT * FROM xoops__modules WHERE dirname = 'wflinks'
SELECT * FROM xoops__groups
SELECT storyid, title, homepage, submenu FROM xoops__content WHERE homepage='0' AND submenu='1' ORDER BY title
SELECT f.*, s.tpl_source FROM xoops__tplfile f LEFT JOIN xoops__tplsource s ON s.tpl_id=f.tpl_id WHERE (tpl_tplset = 'default' AND tpl_file = 'system_block_mainmenu.html') ORDER BY tpl_refid
SELECT * FROM xoops__modules WHERE dirname = 'pm'
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `xoops__priv_msgs` WHERE (read_msg = '0' AND to_userid = '94')
SELECT f.*, s.tpl_source FROM xoops__tplfile f LEFT JOIN xoops__tplsource s ON s.tpl_id=f.tpl_id WHERE (tpl_tplset = 'default' AND tpl_file = 'system_block_user.html') ORDER BY tpl_refid
SELECT * FROM xoops__users LIMIT 0,1
SELECT mid FROM xoops__modules WHERE dirname='formulize'
SELECT admin,groupe,email,expe,singleentry,desc_form FROM xoops__formulize_id WHERE id_form='6'
SELECT * FROM xoops__smiles
SELECT desc_form FROM xoops__formulize_id WHERE id_form ='6'
SELECT headerlist FROM xoops__formulize_id WHERE id_form='6'
SELECT ele_handle FROM xoops__formulize WHERE ele_id IN (141,142,143,144,145,146,148,149,150,151,152,153,154,157,158,159,160,161,162,163,164,165,166) ORDER BY ele_order
SELECT ele_id, ele_caption, ele_colhead, ele_handle FROM xoops__formulize WHERE id_form='6' AND (ele_display=1 OR ele_display LIKE '%,1,%' OR ele_display LIKE '%,2,%') AND (ele_type != "ib" AND ele_type != "areamodif") AND ele_type != "subform" AND ele_type != "grid" ORDER BY ele_order
SELECT report_id, report_name FROM xoops__formulize_reports WHERE report_id_form='6' AND report_uid='94'
SELECT report_id, report_name, report_groupids, report_uid FROM xoops__formulize_reports WHERE report_id_form='6' AND report_ispublished > 0
SELECT sv_id, sv_name FROM xoops__formulize_saved_views WHERE sv_formframe='6' AND sv_owner_uid='94'
SELECT sv_id, sv_name, sv_pubgroups, sv_owner_uid FROM xoops__formulize_saved_views WHERE sv_formframe='6' AND sv_pubgroups != ""
SELECT singleentry FROM xoops__formulize_id WHERE id_form = 6
SELECT ele_caption, ele_colhead FROM xoops__formulize WHERE ele_handle = 'internship_opportunities'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_colhead FROM xoops__formulize WHERE ele_handle = 'hire'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_colhead FROM xoops__formulize WHERE ele_handle = 'scholarships'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_colhead FROM xoops__formulize WHERE ele_handle = 'contribute__subjectmatter'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_colhead FROM xoops__formulize WHERE ele_handle = 'contribute_knowledge_assessments'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_colhead FROM xoops__formulize WHERE ele_handle = 'review_courses'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_colhead FROM xoops__formulize WHERE ele_handle = 'review_chemistry_physics'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_colhead FROM xoops__formulize WHERE ele_handle = 'review_introduction_to_analyzers'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_colhead FROM xoops__formulize WHERE ele_handle = 'review_health_environmental_safety'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_colhead FROM xoops__formulize WHERE ele_handle = 'review_sample_systems'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_colhead FROM xoops__formulize WHERE ele_handle = 'review_composition_analyzers'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_colhead FROM xoops__formulize WHERE ele_handle = 'recommend_curriculum_colleges'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_colhead FROM xoops__formulize WHERE ele_handle = 'recommend_for_incumbenteducation'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_colhead FROM xoops__formulize WHERE ele_handle = 'enroll_courses_collegecredit'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_colhead FROM xoops__formulize WHERE ele_handle = 'enroll_courses_incumbentworkereducation'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_colhead FROM xoops__formulize WHERE ele_handle = 'demonstrate_analyzers_inperson'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_colhead FROM xoops__formulize WHERE ele_handle = 'demonstrate_audio_video'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_colhead FROM xoops__formulize WHERE ele_handle = 'donate_equipment'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_colhead FROM xoops__formulize WHERE ele_handle = 'other'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_colhead FROM xoops__formulize WHERE ele_handle = 'name'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_colhead FROM xoops__formulize WHERE ele_handle = 'e-mail'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_colhead FROM xoops__formulize WHERE ele_handle = 'phone_number'
SELECT id_form, desc_form FROM xoops__formulize_id
SELECT * FROM xoops__xoopsnotifications WHERE (not_modid = '85' AND not_category = 'form' AND not_itemid = '6' AND not_uid = '94') ORDER BY not_id ASC
SELECT * FROM xoops__modules WHERE mid = 85
SELECT id_form, desc_form FROM xoops__formulize_id
Total: 67 queries
Search: No Cache
Main Menu: No Cache
User Menu: No Cache
Total: 3 blocks
XOOPS took 4.472 seconds to load.
XOOPS Boot took 0.513 seconds to load.
Module init took 0.124 seconds to load.
XOOPS output init took 1.618 seconds to load.
Module display took 1.780 seconds to load.
Page rendering took 0.260 seconds to load.

When I click "Add an entry" I get this:

Notice: Undefined variable: element_handler in file /modules/formulize/include/readelements.php line 73
Notice: Undefined variable: currentView in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 333
Notice: Undefined variable: loadedView in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 494
Notice: Undefined index: curviewid in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 494
Warning: array_multisort() [function.array-multisort]: Argument #1 is expected to be an array or a sort flag in file /modules/formulize/include/functions.php line 293
Notice: Undefined variable: p_reports in file /modules/formulize/include/functions.php line 295
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in file /modules/formulize/include/functions.php line 295
Warning: array_multisort() [function.array-multisort]: Argument #1 is expected to be an array or a sort flag in file /modules/formulize/include/functions.php line 299
Warning: array_multisort() [function.array-multisort]: Argument #1 is expected to be an array or a sort flag in file /modules/formulize/include/functions.php line 304
Notice: Undefined variable: np_reports in file /modules/formulize/include/functions.php line 306
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in file /modules/formulize/include/functions.php line 306
Warning: array_multisort() [function.array-multisort]: Argument #1 is expected to be an array or a sort flag in file /modules/formulize/include/functions.php line 309
Notice: Undefined variable: loadviewname in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 843
Notice: Undefined variable: curviewid in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 844
Notice: Undefined index: loadviewname in file /modules/formulize/include/entriesdisplay.php line 497
Notice: Undefined index: deletesubsflag in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 237
Notice: Undefined index: parent_form in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 250
Notice: Undefined index: go_back_form in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 255
Notice: Undefined index: entry6 in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 264
Notice: Undefined index: form_submitted in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 358
Notice: Undefined index: goto_sfid in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 399
Notice: Undefined index: target_sub in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 446
Notice: Undefined index: goto_sfid in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 446
Notice: Undefined index: deletesubsflag in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 446
Notice: Undefined index: parent_form in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 446
Notice: Undefined index: form_submitted in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 448
Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Notice: Undefined variable: gq in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 150
Notice: Undefined variable: prevEntry in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 180
Notice: Undefined variable: form in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 494
Notice: Undefined index: entry in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 501
Notice: Undefined index: calview in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 1830
Notice: Undefined index: calfrid in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 1831
Notice: Undefined index: calfid in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 1832
Notice: Undefined variable: searches in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 1843
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 1843
Notice: Undefined index: calhidden in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 1861
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 1861
Notice: Undefined index: form in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 599
Notice: Undefined variable: parentLinks in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 605
Notice: Undefined variable: sub_entries in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 605
Notice: Undefined variable: sub_fids in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 605
Notice: Undefined index: form in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 1385
Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Notice: Undefined variable: gq in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 150
Notice: Undefined variable: prevEntry in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 180
Notice: Undefined variable: disabled in file /modules/formulize/include/elementdisplay.php line 132
Notice: Undefined index: form in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 1385
Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Notice: Undefined variable: gq in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 150
Notice: Undefined variable: prevEntry in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 180
Notice: Undefined variable: disabled in file /modules/formulize/include/elementdisplay.php line 132
Notice: Undefined index: form in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 1385
Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Notice: Undefined variable: gq in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 150
Notice: Undefined variable: prevEntry in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 180
Notice: Undefined variable: disabled in file /modules/formulize/include/elementdisplay.php line 132
Notice: Undefined index: form in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 1385
Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Notice: Undefined variable: gq in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 150
Notice: Undefined variable: prevEntry in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 180
Notice: Undefined variable: disabled in file /modules/formulize/include/elementdisplay.php line 132
Notice: Undefined index: form in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 1385
Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Notice: Undefined variable: gq in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 150
Notice: Undefined variable: prevEntry in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 180
Notice: Undefined variable: disabled in file /modules/formulize/include/elementdisplay.php line 132
Notice: Undefined index: form in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 1385
Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Notice: Undefined variable: gq in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 150
Notice: Undefined variable: prevEntry in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 180
Notice: Undefined variable: disabled in file /modules/formulize/include/elementdisplay.php line 132
Notice: Undefined index: form in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 1385
Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Notice: Undefined variable: gq in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 150
Notice: Undefined variable: prevEntry in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 180
Notice: Undefined variable: disabled in file /modules/formulize/include/elementdisplay.php line 132
Notice: Undefined index: form in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 1385
Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Notice: Undefined variable: gq in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 150
Notice: Undefined variable: prevEntry in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 180
Notice: Undefined variable: disabled in file /modules/formulize/include/elementdisplay.php line 132
Notice: Undefined index: form in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 1385
Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Notice: Undefined variable: gq in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 150
Notice: Undefined variable: prevEntry in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 180
Notice: Undefined variable: disabled in file /modules/formulize/include/elementdisplay.php line 132
Notice: Undefined index: form in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 1385
Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Notice: Undefined variable: gq in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 150
Notice: Undefined variable: prevEntry in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 180
Notice: Undefined variable: disabled in file /modules/formulize/include/elementdisplay.php line 132
Notice: Undefined index: form in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 1385
Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Notice: Undefined variable: gq in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 150
Notice: Undefined variable: prevEntry in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 180
Notice: Undefined variable: disabled in file /modules/formulize/include/elementdisplay.php line 132
Notice: Undefined index: form in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 1385
Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Notice: Undefined variable: gq in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 150
Notice: Undefined variable: prevEntry in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 180
Notice: Undefined variable: disabled in file /modules/formulize/include/elementdisplay.php line 132
Notice: Undefined index: form in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 1385
Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Notice: Undefined variable: gq in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 150
Notice: Undefined variable: prevEntry in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 180
Notice: Undefined variable: disabled in file /modules/formulize/include/elementdisplay.php line 132
Notice: Undefined index: form in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 1385
Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Notice: Undefined variable: gq in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 150
Notice: Undefined variable: prevEntry in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 180
Notice: Undefined variable: disabled in file /modules/formulize/include/elementdisplay.php line 132
Notice: Undefined index: form in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 1385
Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Notice: Undefined variable: gq in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 150
Notice: Undefined variable: prevEntry in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 180
Notice: Undefined variable: disabled in file /modules/formulize/include/elementdisplay.php line 132
Notice: Undefined index: form in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 1385
Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Notice: Undefined variable: gq in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 150
Notice: Undefined variable: prevEntry in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 180
Notice: Undefined variable: disabled in file /modules/formulize/include/elementdisplay.php line 132
Notice: Undefined index: form in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 1385
Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Notice: Undefined variable: gq in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 150
Notice: Undefined variable: prevEntry in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 180
Notice: Undefined variable: disabled in file /modules/formulize/include/elementdisplay.php line 132
Notice: Undefined index: form in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 1385
Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Notice: Undefined variable: gq in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 150
Notice: Undefined variable: prevEntry in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 180
Notice: Undefined variable: disabled in file /modules/formulize/include/elementdisplay.php line 132
Notice: Undefined index: form in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 1385
Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Notice: Undefined variable: gq in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 150
Notice: Undefined variable: prevEntry in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 180
Notice: Undefined variable: disabled in file /modules/formulize/include/elementdisplay.php line 132
Notice: Undefined index: form in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 1385
Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Notice: Undefined variable: gq in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 150
Notice: Undefined variable: prevEntry in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 180
Notice: Undefined variable: disabled in file /modules/formulize/include/elementdisplay.php line 132
Notice: Undefined index: form in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 1385
Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Notice: Undefined variable: gq in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 150
Notice: Undefined variable: prevEntry in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 180
Notice: Undefined variable: disabled in file /modules/formulize/include/elementdisplay.php line 132
Notice: Undefined index: form in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 1385
Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Notice: Undefined variable: gq in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 150
Notice: Undefined variable: prevEntry in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 180
Notice: Undefined variable: disabled in file /modules/formulize/include/elementdisplay.php line 132
Notice: Undefined index: form in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 1385
Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Notice: Undefined variable: gq in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 150
Notice: Undefined variable: prevEntry in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 180
Notice: Undefined variable: disabled in file /modules/formulize/include/elementdisplay.php line 132
Notice: Undefined index: form in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 1385
Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Notice: Undefined variable: gq in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 150
Notice: Undefined variable: prevEntry in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 180
Notice: Undefined variable: disabled in file /modules/formulize/include/elementdisplay.php line 132
Notice: Undefined index: form in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 1385
Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Notice: Undefined variable: gq in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 150
Notice: Undefined variable: prevEntry in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 180
Notice: Undefined variable: disabled in file /modules/formulize/include/elementdisplay.php line 132
Notice: Undefined index: form in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 1385
Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 131
Notice: Undefined variable: gq in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 150
Notice: Undefined variable: prevEntry in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 180
Notice: Undefined variable: disabled in file /modules/formulize/include/elementdisplay.php line 132
Notice: Undefined index: parent_form in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 1509
Notice: Undefined variable: sub_fids in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 615
Notice: Undefined index: form in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 644
Notice: Undefined variable: temp_entries in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 660
Notice: Undefined index: form in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 933
Warning: Missing argument 2 for writeHiddenSettings(), called in /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php on line 943 and defined in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 1805
Notice: Undefined index: calview in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 1830
Notice: Undefined index: calfrid in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 1831
Notice: Undefined index: calfid in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 1832
Notice: Undefined variable: form in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 1838
Notice: Undefined variable: searches in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 1877
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 1877
Notice: Undefined index: calhidden in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 1895
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 1895
Notice: Undefined variable: save_text_temp in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 864
Notice: Undefined variable: save_text_temp in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 878
Notice: Undefined variable: done_text_temp in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 886
Notice: Undefined index: form in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 903
Notice: Undefined variable: xoopsConfig in file /modules/formulize/include/formdisplay.php line 668
SET NAMES 'utf8'
SELECT * FROM xoops__config WHERE (conf_modid = '0' AND conf_catid = '1') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
SELECT sess_data, sess_ip FROM xoops__session WHERE sess_id = 'ojeov6k8ectd08tsef17og2tp4'
SELECT * FROM xoops__users WHERE uid = '94'
SELECT * FROM xoops__modules WHERE dirname = 'formulize'
SELECT * FROM xoops__config WHERE (conf_modid = '85') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xoops__banner
SELECT * FROM xoops__banner LIMIT 0, 1
UPDATE xoops__banner SET impmade = impmade+1 WHERE bid = 4
SELECT * FROM xoops__config WHERE (conf_modid = '0' AND conf_catid = '3') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
SELECT DISTINCT gperm_itemid FROM xoops__group_permission WHERE gperm_name = 'block_read' AND gperm_modid = 1 AND gperm_groupid IN (1,2)
SELECT b.* FROM xoops__newblocks b, xoops__block_module_link m WHERE m.block_id=b.bid AND b.isactive=1 AND b.visible=1 AND m.module_id IN (0,85) AND b.bid IN (224,223,225,226,227,228,231,214,213,216,215,217,220,219,218,243,209,207,208,210,192,189,188,190,191,132,176,175,168,165,166,169,139,133,170,171,135,134,136,137,138,119,118,172,173,174,117,116,115,114,113,81,80,79,78,77,76,75,63,62,61,60,59,58,57,56,43,42,41,40,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,179,178,177,203,199,197,196,122,108,164,163,162,195,241,242,240,239,235,236,237,238,244) ORDER BY b.weight,b.bid
SELECT f.*, s.tpl_source FROM xoops__tplfile f LEFT JOIN xoops__tplsource s ON s.tpl_id=f.tpl_id WHERE (tpl_tplset = 'default' AND tpl_file = 'system_block_search.html') ORDER BY tpl_refid
SELECT * FROM xoops__modules WHERE (hasmain = '1' AND isactive = '1' AND weight > '0') ORDER BY weight ASC, mid ASC
SELECT * FROM xoops__group_permission WHERE (gperm_name = 'module_read' AND gperm_modid = '1' AND (gperm_groupid = '1' OR gperm_groupid = '2'))
SELECT * FROM xoops__netquery_whois ORDER BY whois_tld
SELECT id_form, desc_form FROM xoops__formulize_id
SELECT * FROM xoops__modules WHERE dirname = 'news'
SELECT * FROM xoops__config WHERE (conf_modid = '74') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
SELECT * FROM xoops__groups
SELECT * FROM xoops__groups
SELECT * FROM xoops__modules WHERE dirname = 'wflinks'
SELECT * FROM xoops__groups
SELECT storyid, title, homepage, submenu FROM xoops__content WHERE homepage='0' AND submenu='1' ORDER BY title
SELECT f.*, s.tpl_source FROM xoops__tplfile f LEFT JOIN xoops__tplsource s ON s.tpl_id=f.tpl_id WHERE (tpl_tplset = 'default' AND tpl_file = 'system_block_mainmenu.html') ORDER BY tpl_refid
SELECT * FROM xoops__modules WHERE dirname = 'pm'
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `xoops__priv_msgs` WHERE (read_msg = '0' AND to_userid = '94')
SELECT f.*, s.tpl_source FROM xoops__tplfile f LEFT JOIN xoops__tplsource s ON s.tpl_id=f.tpl_id WHERE (tpl_tplset = 'default' AND tpl_file = 'system_block_user.html') ORDER BY tpl_refid
SELECT * FROM xoops__users LIMIT 0,1
SELECT mid FROM xoops__modules WHERE dirname='formulize'
SELECT admin,groupe,email,expe,singleentry,desc_form FROM xoops__formulize_id WHERE id_form='6'
SELECT * FROM xoops__smiles
SELECT desc_form FROM xoops__formulize_id WHERE id_form ='6'
SELECT ele_id, ele_caption, ele_colhead, ele_handle FROM xoops__formulize WHERE id_form='6' AND (ele_display=1 OR ele_display LIKE '%,1,%' OR ele_display LIKE '%,2,%') AND (ele_type != "ib" AND ele_type != "areamodif") AND ele_type != "subform" AND ele_type != "grid" ORDER BY ele_order
SELECT report_id, report_name FROM xoops__formulize_reports WHERE report_id_form='6' AND report_uid='94'
SELECT report_id, report_name, report_groupids, report_uid FROM xoops__formulize_reports WHERE report_id_form='6' AND report_ispublished > 0
SELECT sv_id, sv_name FROM xoops__formulize_saved_views WHERE sv_formframe='6' AND sv_owner_uid='94'
SELECT sv_id, sv_name, sv_pubgroups, sv_owner_uid FROM xoops__formulize_saved_views WHERE sv_formframe='6' AND sv_pubgroups != ""
SELECT singleentry FROM xoops__formulize_id WHERE id_form=6
SELECT creation_datetime, mod_datetime, creation_uid, mod_uid FROM xoops__formulize_6 WHERE entry_id = 0
SELECT groupid FROM xoops__formulize_entry_owner_groups WHERE fid='6' AND entry_id='0'
SELECT * FROM xoops__formulize_6 WHERE entry_id=
Error number: 1064
Error message: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
SELECT * FROM xoops__formulize_id WHERE id_form=6
SELECT ele_id, ele_caption, ele_colhead, ele_handle, ele_type FROM xoops__formulize WHERE id_form=6 AND ele_display != "0" ORDER BY ele_order ASC
SELECT * FROM xoops__formulize_saved_views WHERE sv_mainform = '6' OR (sv_mainform = '' AND sv_formframe = '6')
SELECT ele_caption, ele_disabled, ele_handle FROM xoops__formulize WHERE id_form=6 AND (ele_display=1 OR ele_display LIKE '%,1,%' OR ele_display LIKE '%,2,%')
SELECT desc_form FROM xoops__formulize_id WHERE id_form ='6'
SELECT * FROM xoops__formulize WHERE id_form=6 AND ((ele_forcehidden = '1' AND (ele_display = '0' OR (ele_display NOT LIKE '%,1,%' AND ele_display NOT LIKE '%,2,%')))) ORDER BY ele_order ASC
SELECT * FROM xoops__formulize WHERE id_form=6 AND ((ele_display = '1' OR ele_display LIKE '%,1,%' OR ele_display LIKE '%,2,%')) ORDER BY ele_order ASC
SELECT * FROM xoops__formulize_6 WHERE entry_id=new
Error number: 1054
Error message: Unknown column 'new' in 'where clause'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_disabled, ele_handle FROM xoops__formulize WHERE id_form=6 AND (ele_display=1 OR ele_display LIKE '%,1,%' OR ele_display LIKE '%,2,%')
SELECT * FROM xoops__formulize_6 WHERE entry_id=new
Error number: 1054
Error message: Unknown column 'new' in 'where clause'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_disabled, ele_handle FROM xoops__formulize WHERE id_form=6 AND (ele_display=1 OR ele_display LIKE '%,1,%' OR ele_display LIKE '%,2,%')
SELECT * FROM xoops__formulize_6 WHERE entry_id=new
Error number: 1054
Error message: Unknown column 'new' in 'where clause'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_disabled, ele_handle FROM xoops__formulize WHERE id_form=6 AND (ele_display=1 OR ele_display LIKE '%,1,%' OR ele_display LIKE '%,2,%')
SELECT * FROM xoops__formulize_6 WHERE entry_id=new
Error number: 1054
Error message: Unknown column 'new' in 'where clause'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_disabled, ele_handle FROM xoops__formulize WHERE id_form=6 AND (ele_display=1 OR ele_display LIKE '%,1,%' OR ele_display LIKE '%,2,%')
SELECT * FROM xoops__formulize_6 WHERE entry_id=new
Error number: 1054
Error message: Unknown column 'new' in 'where clause'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_disabled, ele_handle FROM xoops__formulize WHERE id_form=6 AND (ele_display=1 OR ele_display LIKE '%,1,%' OR ele_display LIKE '%,2,%')
SELECT * FROM xoops__formulize_6 WHERE entry_id=new
Error number: 1054
Error message: Unknown column 'new' in 'where clause'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_disabled, ele_handle FROM xoops__formulize WHERE id_form=6 AND (ele_display=1 OR ele_display LIKE '%,1,%' OR ele_display LIKE '%,2,%')
SELECT * FROM xoops__formulize_6 WHERE entry_id=new
Error number: 1054
Error message: Unknown column 'new' in 'where clause'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_disabled, ele_handle FROM xoops__formulize WHERE id_form=6 AND (ele_display=1 OR ele_display LIKE '%,1,%' OR ele_display LIKE '%,2,%')
SELECT * FROM xoops__formulize_6 WHERE entry_id=new
Error number: 1054
Error message: Unknown column 'new' in 'where clause'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_disabled, ele_handle FROM xoops__formulize WHERE id_form=6 AND (ele_display=1 OR ele_display LIKE '%,1,%' OR ele_display LIKE '%,2,%')
SELECT * FROM xoops__formulize_6 WHERE entry_id=new
Error number: 1054
Error message: Unknown column 'new' in 'where clause'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_disabled, ele_handle FROM xoops__formulize WHERE id_form=6 AND (ele_display=1 OR ele_display LIKE '%,1,%' OR ele_display LIKE '%,2,%')
SELECT * FROM xoops__formulize_6 WHERE entry_id=new
Error number: 1054
Error message: Unknown column 'new' in 'where clause'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_disabled, ele_handle FROM xoops__formulize WHERE id_form=6 AND (ele_display=1 OR ele_display LIKE '%,1,%' OR ele_display LIKE '%,2,%')
SELECT * FROM xoops__formulize_6 WHERE entry_id=new
Error number: 1054
Error message: Unknown column 'new' in 'where clause'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_disabled, ele_handle FROM xoops__formulize WHERE id_form=6 AND (ele_display=1 OR ele_display LIKE '%,1,%' OR ele_display LIKE '%,2,%')
SELECT * FROM xoops__formulize_6 WHERE entry_id=new
Error number: 1054
Error message: Unknown column 'new' in 'where clause'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_disabled, ele_handle FROM xoops__formulize WHERE id_form=6 AND (ele_display=1 OR ele_display LIKE '%,1,%' OR ele_display LIKE '%,2,%')
SELECT * FROM xoops__formulize_6 WHERE entry_id=new
Error number: 1054
Error message: Unknown column 'new' in 'where clause'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_disabled, ele_handle FROM xoops__formulize WHERE id_form=6 AND (ele_display=1 OR ele_display LIKE '%,1,%' OR ele_display LIKE '%,2,%')
SELECT * FROM xoops__formulize_6 WHERE entry_id=new
Error number: 1054
Error message: Unknown column 'new' in 'where clause'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_disabled, ele_handle FROM xoops__formulize WHERE id_form=6 AND (ele_display=1 OR ele_display LIKE '%,1,%' OR ele_display LIKE '%,2,%')
SELECT * FROM xoops__formulize_6 WHERE entry_id=new
Error number: 1054
Error message: Unknown column 'new' in 'where clause'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_disabled, ele_handle FROM xoops__formulize WHERE id_form=6 AND (ele_display=1 OR ele_display LIKE '%,1,%' OR ele_display LIKE '%,2,%')
SELECT * FROM xoops__formulize_6 WHERE entry_id=new
Error number: 1054
Error message: Unknown column 'new' in 'where clause'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_disabled, ele_handle FROM xoops__formulize WHERE id_form=6 AND (ele_display=1 OR ele_display LIKE '%,1,%' OR ele_display LIKE '%,2,%')
SELECT * FROM xoops__formulize_6 WHERE entry_id=new
Error number: 1054
Error message: Unknown column 'new' in 'where clause'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_disabled, ele_handle FROM xoops__formulize WHERE id_form=6 AND (ele_display=1 OR ele_display LIKE '%,1,%' OR ele_display LIKE '%,2,%')
SELECT * FROM xoops__formulize_6 WHERE entry_id=new
Error number: 1054
Error message: Unknown column 'new' in 'where clause'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_disabled, ele_handle FROM xoops__formulize WHERE id_form=6 AND (ele_display=1 OR ele_display LIKE '%,1,%' OR ele_display LIKE '%,2,%')
SELECT * FROM xoops__formulize_6 WHERE entry_id=new
Error number: 1054
Error message: Unknown column 'new' in 'where clause'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_disabled, ele_handle FROM xoops__formulize WHERE id_form=6 AND (ele_display=1 OR ele_display LIKE '%,1,%' OR ele_display LIKE '%,2,%')
SELECT * FROM xoops__formulize_6 WHERE entry_id=new
Error number: 1054
Error message: Unknown column 'new' in 'where clause'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_disabled, ele_handle FROM xoops__formulize WHERE id_form=6 AND (ele_display=1 OR ele_display LIKE '%,1,%' OR ele_display LIKE '%,2,%')
SELECT * FROM xoops__formulize_6 WHERE entry_id=new
Error number: 1054
Error message: Unknown column 'new' in 'where clause'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_disabled, ele_handle FROM xoops__formulize WHERE id_form=6 AND (ele_display=1 OR ele_display LIKE '%,1,%' OR ele_display LIKE '%,2,%')
SELECT * FROM xoops__formulize_6 WHERE entry_id=new
Error number: 1054
Error message: Unknown column 'new' in 'where clause'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_disabled, ele_handle FROM xoops__formulize WHERE id_form=6 AND (ele_display=1 OR ele_display LIKE '%,1,%' OR ele_display LIKE '%,2,%')
SELECT * FROM xoops__formulize_6 WHERE entry_id=new
Error number: 1054
Error message: Unknown column 'new' in 'where clause'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_disabled, ele_handle FROM xoops__formulize WHERE id_form=6 AND (ele_display=1 OR ele_display LIKE '%,1,%' OR ele_display LIKE '%,2,%')
SELECT * FROM xoops__formulize_6 WHERE entry_id=new
Error number: 1054
Error message: Unknown column 'new' in 'where clause'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_disabled, ele_handle FROM xoops__formulize WHERE id_form=6 AND (ele_display=1 OR ele_display LIKE '%,1,%' OR ele_display LIKE '%,2,%')
SELECT * FROM xoops__formulize_6 WHERE entry_id=new
Error number: 1054
Error message: Unknown column 'new' in 'where clause'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_disabled, ele_handle FROM xoops__formulize WHERE id_form=6 AND (ele_display=1 OR ele_display LIKE '%,1,%' OR ele_display LIKE '%,2,%')
SELECT * FROM xoops__formulize_6 WHERE entry_id=new
Error number: 1054
Error message: Unknown column 'new' in 'where clause'
SELECT ele_caption, ele_disabled, ele_handle FROM xoops__formulize WHERE id_form=6 AND (ele_display=1 OR ele_display LIKE '%,1,%' OR ele_display LIKE '%,2,%')
SELECT * FROM xoops__group_permission WHERE (gperm_name = 'add_own_entry' AND gperm_itemid = '6' AND gperm_modid = '85')
SELECT uid FROM xoops__groups_users_link WHERE groupid=1
SELECT uid FROM xoops__groups_users_link WHERE groupid=2
SELECT uid FROM xoops__groups_users_link WHERE groupid=4
SELECT uid FROM xoops__groups_users_link WHERE groupid=5
SELECT uid FROM xoops__groups_users_link WHERE groupid=3
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=1
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=3
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=4
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=8
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=17
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=18
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=21
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=22
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=2
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=5
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=6
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=7
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=9
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=10
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=11
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=12
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=13
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=14
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=15
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=16
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=19
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=20
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=23
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=24
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=25
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=26
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=27
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=28
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=29
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=30
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=31
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=32
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=33
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=34
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=35
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=36
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=37
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=38
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=39
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=40
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=41
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=42
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=43
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=44
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=45
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=46
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=47
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=48
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=49
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=50
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=51
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=52
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=53
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=54
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=55
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=56
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=57
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=58
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=59
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=61
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=62
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=63
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=64
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=65
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=67
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=68
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=69
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=70
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=73
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=74
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=77
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=78
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=79
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=80
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=81
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=82
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=83
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=84
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=85
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=86
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=87
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=88
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=89
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=91
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=93
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=94
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=97
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=98
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=102
SELECT name, uname FROM xoops__users WHERE uid=104
SELECT id_form, desc_form FROM xoops__formulize_id
SELECT * FROM xoops__xoopsnotifications WHERE (not_modid = '85' AND not_category = 'form' AND not_itemid = '6' AND not_uid = '94') ORDER BY not_id ASC
SELECT * FROM xoops__modules WHERE mid = 85
SELECT id_form, desc_form FROM xoops__formulize_id
Total: 201 queries
Search: No Cache
Main Menu: No Cache
User Menu: No Cache
Total: 3 blocks
XOOPS took 17.337 seconds to load.
XOOPS Boot took 0.577 seconds to load.
Module init took 0.012 seconds to load.
XOOPS output init took 2.354 seconds to load.
Module display took 13.140 seconds to load.
Page rendering took 0.320 seconds to load.

Anyone know a solution?


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