Tutorial Jquery: Chaining
  • 2010/5/6 14:51

  • kaotik

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 861

  • Since: 2004/2/19

To show what chaining is I'm going to use some of my own code.
This is a function I use in ajax. When an action is completed and everthing went OK, a message shows up during X time then disappears.
notice('this is ok');

As you can see, when someone clicks on the link "tstme", function 'notice' is then executed. Here's the logic:
$(".notice").html($msg); set the text inside the div called 'notice'
$(".notice").show(); Show the div since what was initially hidden
$(".notice").delay(3500); Display this message for X amount of time
$(".notice").slideUp(300); Slideup the div

Each time I made a call to $(".notice"), jquery had to process and associate this call to each event. For a small script and few page views you won't notice. But what if your site grows?
This is where chaining comes into play. This same code could be written like this:
notice('this is ok');

Now jquery will associate several event handlers to one event. It obeys the order in which they are placed. This speeds up your code.


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