I also have seen several topics vanishing, and censoring things is never a solution. I say that there should be a moderation code that every moderator should listen to - removing posts NEVER solves problems.
Do you have concrete examples of those topics vanishing? If you're raising an issue, we need to be specific!
As Peekay said, we have very clear
XOOPSiquette and our
Terms of Use, which need to be followed.
Our team of moderators is doing a great job ensuring that these forums stay friendly and SPAM-free. If we believe that a user came here to SPAM our Forums, his posts will be deleted.
If we believe that somebody is attacking personally somebody else, or starts a flame against somebody or against XOOPS, we will edit the post or delete, and potentially ban this person.
In regarding to Wishcraft's post in question, part of it included a personal attack on another programmer. I have deleted that post and asked Wishcraft to redo his post, and told him that once done, I would be glad to post it for him.
@ Peekay:
It's there so that moderators don't have to make a subjective decision if they spot a problem. They just need to enforce the same rules for every post.
Unfortunately, Wishcraft has tendency to disrespect our
XOOPSiquette and our
Terms of Use. I've tried to work around that in the past, and edit when needed, but since he is then complaining that we are "censoring" him, I left
his recent post intact, so people can actually see what he is sometimes writing - using profanity and flaming other people. According to our rules he should be banned or at least suspended. And if he doesn't stop his flaming style, that what will happen, regardless of how many modules he has developed.
Yes, we appreciate all his work and contributions, but it doesn't allow him to stand above anybody else on these forums, use profanity, be abusive to others. The rules have to be valid for all of us.
All of us can can disagree on some issues, but we need to do it with respect for the other people. And we need to follow the
XOOPSiquette and our
Terms of Use.
I hope, we'll will step back and ask ourselves how it it really benefits XOOPS...