Blank admin page after failed upgrade and attempted restore
  • 2010/3/5 21:00

  • Daethian

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 305

  • Since: 2005/3/4 1

I have another thread where I tried to upgrade from 2.3 to 2.4 and encountered fatal errors. After several days with my site down I decided to restore my full back up. I've done this and I can log in to the site and things seem fine, however I can't access admin.php it's just blank. No users can access the site either because I have it turned off for them.

I went through the attempts to turn on debugging to find the error but I think it may already be on due to #3.
I've cleared cache and cookies, tried a different browser from a different computer.

My site has been down since Saturday, getting a little stressed.

When I run checksum.php it still tells me my files are invalid or missing.

A: To turn on debugging try the following things:
1. If you can get to admininstration menu, go to Preferences, select 'Main', and find the section on debugging options. Choose "PHP Debugging" CAN'T ACCESS

2. If you can't get to the administration page, but have access to mysql, try the query "UPDATE xoops_config SET conf_value=1 WHERE conf_name = 'debug_mode'". Be sure to make sure "xoops_config" matches the name of the config table in your installation. (NOTE: This does not work with XOOPS 2.2, see 2a) DOESN'T WORK

2a. In XOOPS 2.2, go to your site's root file "recovery.php" and set the debug settings through the interface here DOESN'T EXIST

3. If you can't get to the administration page, and don't want to mess with mysql, but don't mind messing with PHP, then edit the file "include/common.php". Near line 83, change "error_reporting(0);" to "error_reporting(E_ALL);". ALREADY READS THIS WAY

4. If this still doesn't work, your server or hoster may have turned off debugging in "/etc/php.ini" (linux) or "WIN_DIRECTORY/php.ini" (windows). Make sure there is a line in there "display_errors On". I'VE ENABLED DEBUGGING BEFORE SO I DON'T BELIEVE THIS APPLIES

5. If you don't have access to change this file (e.g. on shared hosting), I HAVE ACCESS

Re: Blank admin page after failed upgrade and attempted restore
  • 2010/3/13 1:26

  • Daethian

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 305

  • Since: 2005/3/4 1

I fixed it by manually replacing the files from my back up folder by folder. The cpanel restore wasn't replacing the files for some reason.


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