I recently converted my site (Xoops 2.3.3b) to UTF-8. The site works fine, but pdf-generation and RSS have problems.
This thread is on RSS.
I have a solution that works partly. It works in:
- backend.php
- news/backendt.php (1.64)
- extcal/rss.php (2.22)
- wfdowloads/rss.php (3.2)
- smartsection/backend.php (2.13)
- mylinks/rss.php (1.1)
In all these files, I have removed:
In some titles or bodies, there appear special characters such as & # 0 3 9 ; (without spaces). Sometimes they are interpreted correctly by RSS-readers, sometimes not.
Any other suggestions to get RSS working correctly with UTF-8 ?
Thanks !
SME Drieben