How can I modify the block "news_top.php"?
  • 2009/12/3 16:29

  • Meho

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 1

  • Since: 2008/11/27

I wanted to seek a contribution from those who can help with this issue:

How can I modify this block "news_top.php" or "recent news and articles to the show in two columns, as can be seen from photographs of the bottom.

Translation is done based on the Google translation

Re: How can I modify the block "news_top.php"?
  • 2009/12/3 18:01

  • Anonymous

  • Posts: 0

  • Since:

Meho wrote:

as can be seen from photographs of the bottom.

I thought that sort of thing only happened at office Christmas parties

Google has a lot to answer for

In answer to your query, you need to modify the template (news_block_top.html) rather than a .php file as it's the template that displays the information on your page.

Unfortunately, it's a large template file and you need to find that part of it that your settings call before editing it.

Bottom line () is that you'll need to put the content into two columns. Can you let us know which block settings you are using?


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