hi, after upgrading to 2.3.3 my database looks like this:
(41, 1, 'select', 1, 'availability', 'Availability', '', 0, 255, 9, 'Monday through Friday', 1, 1, 1, 1, 'a:3:{s:21:"Monday through Friday";s:28:"TW9uZGF5IHRocm91Z2ggRnJpZGF5";s:9:"Full week";s:12:"RnVsbCB3ZWVr";s:9:"Part-time";s:12:"UGFydC10aW1l";}', 0),
i wonder what are those
and why they look like this? it was supposed to be normal words (in 2.2.4 database it looked alright)? on the website administration panel it looks ok. if I replace
with lets say
Monday through Friday
in the database it will cause encoding problems in the website and it will look like ?#! etc etc on the website. i think that is why my profile search doesn't work. any help?
Mind anchors