Module Repository: Question and Answer Session
  • 2009/3/18 15:48

  • Catzwolf

  • Home away from home

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  • Since: 2007/9/30

Hiya Xoopsers.

Right now I know many of you have question that you would like to ask regarding the up and coming changes. Right now I am going to take the opportunity to answers your questions that you may have right now.

A Question and Answer session :)

To make things easy I will ask you to follow a few simple rules to this. I am only one person and not a team, and I don't have time get into long drawn debates etc. So here is how this will work.

1. Only one question per person and no off topic questions permitted.
2. Please try and keep your question short and direct.
3. Please do don't answer to another posters question. They will be removed.
4. As this is a Question and Answer, please refrain from carrying answering my answer. Open another topic if need be.
5. Be patient while waiting for an answer. I am still human after all.
6. And most importantly, do always expect to get the answer you are looking for or expect. If the answer is not what you wanted, please pay some respect to it as I will your question in the first place :)

Thanks in advance.


Re: Module Repository: Question and Answer Session
  • 2009/3/18 16:29

  • dbman

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 172

  • Since: 2005/4/28

Are there any plans to merge both dev.xoops.org and the current module repository providing both developers and end-users a single source of up-to-date module access?

P.s. thanks for taking this on Catz

Re: Module Repository: Question and Answer Session
  • 2009/3/18 20:33

  • Catzwolf

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1392

  • Since: 2007/9/30

Hi dbman,

Thanks for kicking off this session of Q+A.


Are there any plans to merge both dev.xoops.org and the current module repository providing both developers and end-users a single source of up-to-date module access?

The word Technophobia springs to mind very quickly here. When you think of development, we think of logic and presentation and that this is a good thing. It keeps the technicality away from the candy floss.

While I must admit I have given this idea a lot of thought and pondered about the possible implications, it always comes back to the same issue. Many people are still very technophobic about seeing to much technicality and when you start taking away their candy floss, people can become easily overcome with information that they just don’t need to see.

I believe the reality is a vast majority of users want a repository that is nice to look at, simple to use, and more importantly, and more importantly, access to safe secure modules that are easy to install. Am I being to condescending on this matter? I don’t believe I am, I think I am just being very practical regarding this matter

However, I know there is also a need for many people who need to have a little bit more information and insight into how their favourite modules are designed, and take part in the development process and I fully accept this. Being a module developer myself, I know it is important to get a little more than ‘that’s a nice module’ with the feedback.

There will be a separate area for development and the repository, but we will try to bridge the both when it comes to developing the new repository module. The best way would be to split the module/developer information into more palatable segments, either via tabs or other switchable views and let the user decide what they want to see the information, thus making it less obtrusive to those who don’t, to those who do :)

Hope that answers your questions.


Re: Module Repository: Question and Answer Session
  • 2009/3/18 20:46

  • robertelo

  • Just popping in

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Hi Catzwolf
Are there any plans to make a very powerful social network module for xoops?

BTW: Welcome back ;)

Re: Module Repository: Question and Answer Session
  • 2009/3/18 21:03

  • Catzwolf

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1392

  • Since: 2007/9/30

hiya Robertelo,

Are there any plans to make a very powerful social network module for xoops?

Plans to make a very powerful social network module for XOOPS is not very high on my agenda when it comes to the rebuilding of the module repository or when it comes to installing confidence with the modules that we will be putting into it. :)

BTW: Welcome back ;)

Thanks, nice to be back :)

Re: Module Repository: Question and Answer Session
  • 2009/3/18 22:09

  • Anonymous

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First of all, I am very glad to see module development gets a boost, great news!

My question is about the fact some modules like Oledrion have plugins you have to pay for. I realy like Hervets module but dislike the idea of asking money for basic enhancements or a newsletter module. Xoops.org as a platform for selling modules is a bad idea in my opinion, it bites the community idea. On the other hand I understand a developer likes to get something back for the work he did... It's a complex question, I know

Re: Module Repository: Question and Answer Session
  • 2009/3/18 22:19

  • Burning

  • Theme Designer

  • Posts: 1163

  • Since: 2006/8/22


Have you chosen a new module to build new module Repository ?

Still learning CSS and... english

Re: Module Repository: Question and Answer Session
  • 2009/3/18 22:23

  • trabis

  • Core Developer

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On the other hand I understand a developer likes to get something back for the work he did.

I hope one day you develop and share your modules. Then you will weight the feedback you have received on the left hand, and the hunger you feel, and the time you are loosing on the right hand.

Recognition comes, motivation goes. Money comes, motivation grows.

This is a natural process and goes for everybody.

Re: Module Repository: Question and Answer Session
  • 2009/3/18 23:23

  • bjuti

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 871

  • Since: 2009/1/7 2


Is it planned XOOPS modules to be imporable/exportable in the future?

Things like all contact modules to be compatibile with each other, that you export from publisher in eg. news, and from news to ams, or wf channel etc?


Re: Module Repository: Question and Answer Session

Is there going to be a method or policy where only the latest version of a module is going to appear in the repository? There are some modules that have multiple releases in the repository and I find that blocks out other modules which might not update so frequently.
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