Form Template - Requirement Gathering
  • 2008/10/13 15:04

  • shaan

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 1

  • Since: 2008/10/13


Actually Im a developer, But my Current role is to gathering requirement from user or customer or client .....Because Im working in a small company....

My specific role is to identify the different forms, reports needed for the analysing project.

while analysing forms or reports I need to know what are fields that going to appear on the form or reports...

So I need to interview the clients or user directly.
This is the situation

Now my question is like:

1) First I will probe the client for requirement, AFter that I will identify the forms needed for the project.

2) Now I need to capture the forms fields and what are the logic behind each forms rite, how to do that?

For eg: The client ask you to create a form with radio button, text box, tables, option button, label etc..

Radio button:
So client saying that I need to select 1 field out of 5 fields, So at this situation you can use radio button, But my question is like how to document it from user, And this document is easy to modify and also understandable by any developer to create.

So client saying that I need 2 rows 2 columns and this are the heading, So at this situation you can use tables, But my question is like how to document it from user, And this document is easy to modify and also understandable by any developer to create.

So actually I need different kind of template to capture the requirement for Form, reports etc.. from user or clients, or customer....

remember :We are not developing, I just gathering requirement, I need to just document the requirement so any developer can understand and able to create. And also able to understand by client or customer or user to sign off.

Thanks in advance



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