Google Analytics Code Best Place
  • 2008/4/3 5:24

  • eHobayyeb

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 39

  • Since: 2007/2/27

Hi all,

I have put the code in the footer and it is OK. But I am thinking that this is not a good idea because sometime users do not wait for the full page to be open they click on the links before its completing all the loading of the page so the code of analytics isn't loaded, so I decided to put it in the top of the theme so I guarantee that users loaded google code for better results in the statistics.k

What do you think?

Re: Google Analytics Code Best Place

Javascript is not interpreted until full page load, so you may include it at the top and it still won't count until the page is fully loaded.

Therefore the best place is at the bottom, where it will also not slow down the page content loading, thus servicing your users.
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Re: Google Analytics Code Best Place
  • 2008/4/4 21:18

  • eHobayyeb

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 39

  • Since: 2007/2/27

I see

I did not know this point
Is it also will not slow down the page content loading if I put another analysis code from for example sitemeter??

Thank you


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