Go to your admintration panel and select Preferences from the system block icon. (put your mouse over the icon and a selection list will reveal itself)
http://xoops-end-user.com/xoopshelper/help/preferences.htmYou will see Meta Tags and Footer.
Select EDIT.
You do not have to fear making any change there. It will not hurt your system or make any changes you cannot change back.
I'll try to find you a picture of the actual code.
EDIT: 2-2-2008
I uploaded another example that is closer to what you need.
http://xoops-end-user.com/xoopshelper/help/MetaTagsAndFooter.htmWhere it says Footer, you can just erase that or change it.
While you are there you may want to also change the meta words to relate to your own business. These will be words you want the search engines to find your site with.