I switched debug mode on, and found this when tried to look a forum:
Notice: Undefined variable: HTTP_SERVER_VARS in file /modules/newbb/config.php line 44
Notice: Undefined variable: HTTP_SERVER_VARS in file /modules/newbb/config.php line 44
Notice: Undefined variable: HTTP_GET_VARS in file /modules/newbb/viewforum.php line 34
How it could be???????
Is it coming from a missing file? I guess wget missed one or two files when downloading them from the old site, but only thinking loudly...
anyway here is e.g. line 44 in config.php:
$bbCookie['path'] = str_replace(basename($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF']),"",$HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF']);
and line 43 in viewforum.php:
$forum = intval($HTTP_GET_VARS['forum']);