Garage Module Beta, Bugs Ideas & Support!

Without further ado xgarage.org presents the beta garage module! Many thanks to all that gave their time and ideas.

This is a beta 1 release. Use at your own risk!

Temporary Link

Please post your questions here or at the garage support home page.

The topic and threads that started it all.

Garage Thread 1
Garage Thread 2

Re: Garage Module Beta, Bugs Ideas & Support!

I wanted to thank Marc aka: Northern with out him this module would not exist.

I also want to thank John aka: jlm69 who donated his time to getting bugs out of the code.

Re: Garage beta 1 release, Bugs Ideas & Support!
  • 2007/9/12 1:37

  • Northern

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 420

  • Since: 2004/12/26

Lets get a counter on the downloads, so we can keep track on how popular this is. sence the trends seem to be well looked after
IE: one trend is at roughly 6300 views and the other is at 5400 views.


Re: Garage Module Beta, Bugs Ideas & Support!

Hey Marc,

This is just a beta. It's not going to be there long. Lets just squash some more bugs and get a beta 2 out.

jlm69 said there was not a "body style" slot. Meaning 2dr 4dr conv ect.

So lets make a list.

I would like to change the order of...

Car Make: Pontiac
Car Model: Grand Prix
Car Year: 2003


Year: 2003
Make: Pontiac
Model: Grand Prix

and add jlm69 idea

Body Style: Sdn

My thinking behind dropping the word car from the list is not everyone will have a car. Mudnuts has 4x4 trucks he needs to put in his garage. Year, Make & Model should suffice.

Re: Garage beta 1 release, Bugs Ideas & Support!
  • 2007/9/12 15:31

  • orgunozcu

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 136

  • Since: 2005/9/1 5

module is good. just one thing i will say_ Why we cas just add one qicture?? why not 5 6 or 7..

in ol garage module it is 2 3 or 6


Re: Garage beta 1 release, Bugs Ideas & Support!
  • 2007/9/12 17:08

  • Northern

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 420

  • Since: 2004/12/26

@ Billy

Good idea, Ive noted it for the next release.

@ orgunozcu

This has been a thought thats been running around sence the start of the project.
The thought of linking to a gallery or using something like Yogurt Photo Gallery RC1 has came about, we have also thought about useing 4 sized images in a vertical line.

Re: Garage Module Beta, Bugs Ideas & Support!

Garage Beta #2 is up.

Lots of typos / spelling fixed. Did a little work on the template.

I still have a $uname or $xoops_uname problem


Re: Garage Module Beta, Bugs Ideas & Support!

Anyone have anymore ideas about what features to add down the road? Pretty good thread over on xgarage.

Re: Garage Module Beta, Bugs Ideas & Support!

Is there a dev who could donate a little time to the garage module? Im trying to find out how the code in the beta module could be improved. I want to make sure the garage module is modular. Meaning able to add new features to the module in a uniform way across the board. I would like all modules devs to be able to understand the codebase in an efficient manner. I hope that the code is set up in a good way. But I must ask about the style of the code...

I dont want to offend anyone but this module is based on the old profile module by hyperpod circa 2004. Alot has changed since then. Is there a better way to do this.

Btw is there a certain way to write the code? Meaning is there different styles? Say one dev likes to do it a certain way but another a bit different.

I am not sure how to ask this question the right way...

Thanks to any dev who could shed some light on the codebase.

Re: Garage Module Beta, Bugs Ideas & Support!
  • 2007/9/14 14:05

  • optikool

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 154

  • Since: 2007/3/26

Hi script_fu,

Sorry for the delay I was busy at work. I have made some changes to the module to fix pretty much all the errors I saw, but it's possible Marc already fixed them. I didn't not see an errors when running this on the unstable version of XOOPS 2.2.5 but on 2.0.16 it's throwing a warning about the template not being loaded. I had thought to change how you did the form so it would work in both but wanted to get your input first. Also the ability to add a new car in the Admin menu probably shouldn't go back to the main page... it should go to an admin page. I also thought about changing the look of how the cars are displayed. If you want to look at the fixes I can email them to you. I did not see the beta for download so I couldn't test it for the fixes.



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