Hi all,
on my new website i cannot view the costom build blocks i made, in the blocks administration i dont see blocks.
Someone knows how to solve this?
-- above problem solved.
--- Was my own fault, corrupt php script i guess..
other question..
can someone tell me how i can use a php script in a block, and it needs to be working,,
script im trying:
$ip = "xx.xx.xx.xx"; // Geef hier het ip in
$port = "51234"; // Geef hier de poort in
$maint = "0"; // Is de server in Maintenance mode? 1=ja, 0=nee
$fp = @fsockopen($array[0], $array[1], $errno, $errstr,1);
if($maint == 1) {
$status = "red">Maint.";
else if($fp){
$status = "arial"> Onze TS2 Server isgreen">online
arial">Check http://www.n1-gaming.nl/TS/ts2.php">HIER voor meer info";
fclose($fp); // hier sluiten omdat in het andere geval geen verbinding is opgebouwd
$status = "red">Helaas... de TS2 server is offline";
echo $status;