intosia wrote:
Well please show me where i can change the post date FORMAT ( like dd-mm-yy). I looked over the page 5 times...
I think that the date format is set in the language files.
Look in your website_root/language/your language dir (mine is english).
There should be a file called global.php
Look for the following code (line 160-162 in my file):
define("_DATESTRING","d/m/Y G:i:s");
define("_MEDIUMDATESTRING","d/m/Y G:i");
Set the d/m/Y bit to what you prefer using
php date codes. If you look below those lines in global.php you might find a commented-out summary of the settings.
For what you want, change the instances of d/m/Y to d-m-y.
Hope this works for you. Keep a copy of the unedited file just in case it doesn't
Edit: I see Vaughan beat me too it. Least now I know I was right