Nachenko thanks for the assistance. Your efforts have been quite rewarding.
However, the code positions the link in the main menu but that is not what I want to do. the WFChannel module automatically produces a link to each page it creates and places the link on each page within the module.
I want to display these links outside the module so it shows throughout the site on all pages. The code that the module uses to show the links within its pages is that which I posted first. It is from templates/wfchannel_index.html. On its own outside the module it won't display the links so I know it needs some corresponding command from within the module.
I see the following in the module's index.php
if (is_object($xoopsUser))
$chanlink['id'] = "?op=link";
$chanlink['pagetitle'] = $myts->displayTarea(trim($titlelink),1);
$xoopsTpl->append('chanlink', $chanlink);
elseif ($xoopsModuleConfig['anonlink'])
$chanlink['id'] = "?op=link";
$chanlink['pagetitle'] = $myts->displayTarea(trim($titlelink),1);
$xoopsTpl->append('chanlink', $chanlink);
I figure this bit of code (it seems related with $chanlink) must be making it display in the module but I don't know how to configure it to work.
I tried to do this but got errors
if (is_object($xoopsUser))
$chanlink['id'] = "?op=link";
$chanlink['pagetitle'] = $myts->displayTarea(trim($titlelink),1);
$xoopsTpl->append('chanlink', $chanlink);
elseif ($xoopsModuleConfig['anonlink'])
$chanlink['id'] = "?op=link";
$chanlink['pagetitle'] = $myts->displayTarea(trim($titlelink),1);
$xoopsTpl->append('chanlink', $chanlink);
<{foreach item=chanlink from=$chanlink}>
<a href="index.php<{$chanlink.id}>"><{$chanlink.pagetitle}>a>
If this is conquered it will be very useful for many users.