It´s been ten days since I cannot open my WF-Section, main index of articles (
http://www.marruecosdigital.net). I have been told maybe it´s a problem of limits:
"If you go into phpMyAdmin in your cPanel/MySQL icon. You can see that the article table for WF_Section has 1,198 articles in it.
Database: marruec_xoops Table: xoops_wfs_article
Showing rows 0 - 29 (1,198 total, Query took 0.0071 sec)
Since you can't use the WF_Section administration to prune those out, you will most likely need to delete them using phpMyAdmin.
I have no idea how they are put in there, and would not want to guess since they are critical to your site. Deleting them through phpMyAdmin may even break the module further.
I would try to contact the author of the WF_Section program directly or post your problem on the
http://www.xoops.org forums to see if someone else has resolved
this problem before.
Deleting some of those articles is only a guess on my part. I have no idea if that will even work in getting your WF_section admin working again."
Can anyone help me to solve this problem? Many thanks