Please HELP! Account editing not possible
  • 2007/2/23 3:57

  • Tuscany

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 56

  • Since: 2005/4/19


Today one of my members reported an error. Therfore I do not know since when the problem exists and what module might cause the problem.

It seems not to be the function itself, because it works on another site fine, but not on this one.

Now the problem:

When clicking on "View Account" or daving changes after "Edit Account" I get these error messages with debug mode set to on:

Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /mounted-ustorage/home19d/sub001/sc19908-GEFN/manege.at/modules/piCal/include/read_configs.php on line 51

Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /mounted-ustorage/home19d/sub001/sc19908-GEFN/manege.at/userinfo.php on line 170

Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /mounted-ustorage/home19d/sub001/sc19908-GEFN/manege.at/userinfo.php on line 170

Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /mounted-ustorage/home19d/sub001/sc19908-GEFN/manege.at/userinfo.php on line 170

Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file /mounted-ustorage/class/module.textsanitizer.php line 519

Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file /mounted-ustorage/class/module.textsanitizer.php line 519

Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file /mounted-ustorage/userinfo.php line 151

Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file /mounted-ustorage/kernel/module.php line 542

Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file /mounted-ustorage/userinfo.php line 165

Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file /mounted-ustorage/userinfo.php line 170

SELECT * FROM xoops_config WHERE (conf_modid = '0' AND conf_catid = '1') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
SELECT sess_data FROM xoops_session WHERE sess_id = '60732003ac717fa1ced7099de408d1f4'
SELECT * FROM xoops_users WHERE uid=3
SELECT * FROM xoops_config WHERE (conf_modid = '0' AND conf_catid = '2') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xoops_banner
SELECT * FROM xoops_banner LIMIT 1, 1
SELECT * FROM xoops_config WHERE (conf_modid = '0' AND conf_catid = '3') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
SELECT DISTINCT gperm_itemid FROM xoops_group_permission WHERE gperm_name = 'block_read' AND gperm_modid = 1 AND gperm_groupid IN (1,2,4)
SELECT b.* FROM xoops_newblocks b, xoops_block_module_link m WHERE m.block_id=b.bid AND b.isactive=1 AND b.visible=1 AND m.module_id=0 AND b.bid IN (349,151,206,256,156,175,378,347,150,338,323,329,310,4,299,346,109,352,198,166,167,324,328,318,230,228,363,359,110,160,17,351,113,341,339,12,219,218,357,217,293,233,131,39,340,360,297,2,1,5,355,354,353,348,337,336,335,334,333,332,331,330,327,326,325,317,315,314,308,307,306,305,304,303,302,301,356,300,236,235,234,232,229,227,10,226,213,212,211,210,209,361,208,207,199,197,196,188,169,168,165,164,163,162,159,158,157,153,152,121,114,112,111,108,107,364,89,88,87,23,22,11,9,358,8,7,6,3,362) ORDER BY b.weight,b.bid
SELECT * FROM xoops_smiles
SELECT rank_title AS title, rank_image AS image FROM xoops_ranks WHERE rank_id = 7
SELECT * FROM xoops_modules WHERE (hassearch = '1' AND isactive = '1') ORDER BY weight ASC, mid ASC
SELECT * FROM xoops_modules WHERE mid = 43
SELECT * FROM xoops_modules WHERE dirname = 'news'
SELECT * FROM xoops_config WHERE (conf_modid = '43') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
SELECT storyid, topicid, uid, title, created FROM xoops_stories WHERE (published>0 AND published<=1172204396) AND (expired = 0 OR expired > 1172204396) AND uid=3 ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 0, 5
SELECT com_id, com_modid, com_itemid, com_created, com_uid, com_title, com_text, com_status FROM xoops_xoopscomments WHERE (com_id>0) AND (com_modid=43) AND (com_status=2) AND com_uid=3 ORDER BY com_created DESC LIMIT 0, 5
SELECT * FROM xoops_modules WHERE mid = 65
SELECT mid FROM xoops_modules WHERE dirname='piCal'
SELECT conf_name,conf_value FROM xoops_config WHERE conf_modid=65
SELECT * FROM xoops_groups
SELECT * FROM xoops_modules WHERE mid = 73
SELECT * FROM xoops_modules WHERE dirname = 'xcgal'
SELECT * FROM xoops_config WHERE (conf_modid = '73') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
SELECT pid, filepath, filename, ctime, owner_id, title FROM xoops_xcgal_pictures WHERE approved='YES' AND ctime<=1172204396 AND owner_id=3 ORDER BY ctime DESC LIMIT 0, 5
SELECT * FROM xoops_modules WHERE mid = 92
SELECT forum_id FROM xoops_bbex_forums WHERE forum_type=1
SELECT p.post_id,p.topic_id,p.forum_id,p.post_time,p.uid,p.subject FROM xoops_bbex_posts p LEFT JOIN xoops_bbex_posts_text t ON t.post_id=p.post_id LEFT JOIN xoops_bbex_forums f ON f.forum_id=p.forum_id WHERE 1=1 AND (p.uid=3) ORDER BY p.post_time DESC LIMIT 0, 5
SELECT * FROM xoops_modules WHERE mid = 7
Total: 29 queries

Total: 0 blocks


XOOPS took 0.678 seconds to load.
XOOPS Boot took 0.106 seconds to load.
Module init took 0.015 seconds to load.
XOOPS output init took 0.027 seconds to load.
Module display took 0.530 seconds to load.

Can someone identify where to look for this fault?
I am using XOOPS 2.0.16
mysql 5.0

on this site i am using TinyEditor 1.0 Final. on another site where account editing is working fine i am NOT using this editor but the XOOPS standard DHTML editor

Thanks for Your help!


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