1. Where is the date format for the categories set, i.e. the two columns below the spotlighted item?
The date format is whatever is set in the news module.
in the block its the file:xmspotlight/blocks/xmspotlight_block_news.php
xmspotlightnewslister is the function used in the categories and $xmspotdateformat is the variable that holds the dateformat.
but gonna have it a module option later in februrary.
2. I would want to use category images and these show up great. Trouble is that the text (i.e. the news item title) overlaps the image. I need to tweak the template but can't figure out how to do that - I can see the "tr" tags and the two "td" tags setting the column widths as 50% but nothing obvious in the category area below.
im not sure either. i've never really gotten to modifying the template. my html skills are a bit rusty
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