XOOPS Physical Path^M
  • 2007/1/30 1:48

  • incenseman

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 21

  • Since: 2005/7/16

I have a XOOPS site hosted on http://www.hostultra.com. Out of the blue I get white pages and no site loads.

My complete address is http://www.bmooreprograms.biz.

I contacted the host and they said that they saw the following flaws in my site script in every document:

if ( !defined("XOOPS_MAINFILE_INCLUDED") ) {^M
// XOOPS Physical Path^M
// Physical path to your main XOOPS directory WITHOUT trailing slash^M
// Example: define('XOOPS_ROOT_PATH', '/home/blmoore6/public_html');^M
define('XOOPS_ROOT_PATH', '/home/blmoore6/public_html');^M

I checked it and didnt see what they saw. Then they tell me that they can see it through ssh and since I dont have it I cant see it. My site has been working fine up till this point. I have made no changes or updates or patches or anything.

My questions are:
Has anyone here ever seen this before?
If I have made absolutely no changes how could this happen?
Is what they see really the issue?
Is there a way to fix this issue without effecting my site?
What are the extra characters "^M" and what do they mean?

Any info that helps would be appreciated.

Re: XOOPS Physical Path^M
  • 2007/1/30 9:21

  • Dave_L

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 2277

  • Since: 2003/11/7

The ^M represents a carriage-return character (ASCII 13), which means that the file has DOS/Windows line terminators.

I get the same thing if I view mainfile.php with vi on linux.

But it shouldn't hurt anything, and doesn't explain why your site suddenly stopped working.

I would turn on PHP debug, which can be done via phpMyAdmin if you can't access the XOOPS admin page.

Try searching for "blank page" in the FAQ.

Re: XOOPS Physical Path^M
  • 2007/1/30 10:33

  • Peekay

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 2335

  • Since: 2004/11/20

If you haven't changed anything this shouldn't be your problem, but as a matter of course you should always upload PHP files via FTP in ascii (text) format. If you do, line feed characters are automatically converted to the correct format for the receiving server OS. This is particularly important if you edit files on a Mac using an editor that saves in Mac format.

Although technically it shouldn't cause problems, in my experience foreign LF characters can cause a PHP script to fail. That and leaving even one space after the closing PHP tag.

Perhaps your host has moved your files to a different server in their network?
A thread is for life. Not just for Christmas.

Re: XOOPS Physical Path^M
  • 2007/1/30 19:52

  • incenseman

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 21

  • Since: 2005/7/16

I checked the tables of the database for the site in question and got the following:

Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_avatar check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_avatar_user_link check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_banner check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_bannerclient check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_bannerfinish check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_bb_categories check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_bb_forums check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_bb_forum_access check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_bb_forum_mods check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_bb_posts check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_bb_posts_text check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_bb_topics check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_block_module_link check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_config check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_configcategory check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_configoption check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_groups check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_groups_users_link check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_group_permission check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_image check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_imagebody check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_imagecategory check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_imenu check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_imgset check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_imgsetimg check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_imgset_tplset_link check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_modules check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_multimenu01 check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_multimenu02 check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_multimenu03 check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_multimenu04 check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_multimenu05 check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_multimenu06 check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_multimenu07 check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_multimenu08 check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_multimenu_counter check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_myalbum_cat check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_myalbum_photos check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_myalbum_text check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_myalbum_votedata check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_mylinks_broken check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_mylinks_cat check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_mylinks_links check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_mylinks_mod check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_mylinks_text check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_mylinks_votedata check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_myxoopschat_banned check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_myxoopschat_messages check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_myxoopschat_pmsgs check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_myxoopschat_requests check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_myxoopschat_rooms check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_myxoopschat_visibility check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_myxoopschat_whosonline check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_newblocks check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_online check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_priv_msgs check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_ranks check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_seccont check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_sections check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_session check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_smiles check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_stories check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_stories_files check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_stories_votedata check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_topics check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_tplfile check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_tplset check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_tplsource check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_users check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_xoopscomments check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_xoopsfaq_categories check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_xoopsfaq_contents check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_xoopsnotifications check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_xoopspoll_desc check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_xoopspoll_log check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_xoopspoll_option check status OK

Problems with indexes of table `xoops_banner`
PRIMARY and INDEX keys should not both be set for column `bid`
Problems with indexes of table `xoops_bb_posts`
More than one INDEX key was created for column `topic_id`
Problems with indexes of table `xoops_bb_topics`
PRIMARY and INDEX keys should not both be set for column `topic_id`
Problems with indexes of table `xoops_newblocks`
More than one INDEX key was created for column `mid`
Problems with indexes of table `xoops_priv_msgs`
PRIMARY and INDEX keys should not both be set for column `msg_id`
More than one INDEX key was created for column `to_userid`
Problems with indexes of table `xoops_ranks`
More than one INDEX key was created for column `rank_min`
Problems with indexes of table `xoops_users`
PRIMARY and INDEX keys should not both be set for column `uid`
More than one INDEX key was created for column `uname`
Problems with indexes of table `xoops_xoopspoll_log`
More than one INDEX key was created for column `poll_id`

I then checked the tables for a subsite within the site that does not work and got the following"

Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
blmoore6_incense.address_book check status OK
blmoore6_incense.address_format check status OK
blmoore6_incense.banners check status OK
blmoore6_incense.banners_history check status OK
blmoore6_incense.categories check status OK
blmoore6_incense.categories_description check status OK
blmoore6_incense.configuration check status OK
blmoore6_incense.configuration_group check status OK
blmoore6_incense.counter check status OK
blmoore6_incense.counter_history check status OK
blmoore6_incense.countries check status OK
blmoore6_incense.currencies check status OK
blmoore6_incense.customers check status OK
blmoore6_incense.customers_basket check status OK
blmoore6_incense.customers_basket_attributes check status OK
blmoore6_incense.customers_info check status OK
blmoore6_incense.geo_zones check status OK
blmoore6_incense.languages check status OK
blmoore6_incense.manufacturers check status OK
blmoore6_incense.manufacturers_info check status OK
blmoore6_incense.newsletters check status OK
blmoore6_incense.orders check status OK
blmoore6_incense.orders_products check status OK
blmoore6_incense.orders_products_attributes check status OK
blmoore6_incense.orders_products_download check status OK
blmoore6_incense.orders_status check status OK
blmoore6_incense.orders_status_history check status OK
blmoore6_incense.orders_total check status OK
blmoore6_incense.products check status OK
blmoore6_incense.products_attributes check status OK
blmoore6_incense.products_attributes_download check status OK
blmoore6_incense.products_description check status OK
blmoore6_incense.products_notifications check status OK
blmoore6_incense.products_options check status OK
blmoore6_incense.products_options_values check status OK
blmoore6_incense.products_options_values_to_produc... check status OK
blmoore6_incense.products_to_categories check status OK
blmoore6_incense.reviews check status OK
blmoore6_incense.reviews_description check status OK
blmoore6_incense.sessions check status OK
blmoore6_incense.specials check status OK
blmoore6_incense.tax_class check status OK
blmoore6_incense.tax_rates check status OK
blmoore6_incense.whos_online check status OK
blmoore6_incense.zones check status OK
blmoore6_incense.zones_to_geo_zones check status OK

I did a reair table on the DB for the site that does not work and then checked the tables and got the following:

Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_avatar check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_avatar_user_link check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_banner check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_bannerclient check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_bannerfinish check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_bb_categories check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_bb_forums check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_bb_forum_access check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_bb_forum_mods check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_bb_posts check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_bb_posts_text check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_bb_topics check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_block_module_link check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_config check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_configcategory check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_configoption check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_groups check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_groups_users_link check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_group_permission check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_image check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_imagebody check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_imagecategory check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_imenu check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_imgset check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_imgsetimg check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_imgset_tplset_link check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_modules check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_multimenu01 check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_multimenu02 check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_multimenu03 check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_multimenu04 check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_multimenu05 check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_multimenu06 check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_multimenu07 check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_multimenu08 check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_multimenu_counter check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_myalbum_cat check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_myalbum_photos check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_myalbum_text check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_myalbum_votedata check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_mylinks_broken check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_mylinks_cat check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_mylinks_links check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_mylinks_mod check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_mylinks_text check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_mylinks_votedata check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_myxoopschat_banned check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_myxoopschat_messages check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_myxoopschat_pmsgs check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_myxoopschat_requests check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_myxoopschat_rooms check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_myxoopschat_visibility check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_myxoopschat_whosonline check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_newblocks check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_online check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_priv_msgs check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_ranks check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_seccont check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_sections check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_session check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_smiles check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_stories check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_stories_files check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_stories_votedata check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_topics check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_tplfile check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_tplset check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_tplsource check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_users check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_xoopscomments check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_xoopsfaq_categories check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_xoopsfaq_contents check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_xoopsnotifications check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_xoopspoll_desc check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_xoopspoll_log check status OK
blmoore6_xoops.xoops_xoopspoll_option check status OK

Problems with indexes of table `xoops_banner`
PRIMARY and INDEX keys should not both be set for column `bid`
Problems with indexes of table `xoops_bb_posts`
More than one INDEX key was created for column `topic_id`
Problems with indexes of table `xoops_bb_topics`
PRIMARY and INDEX keys should not both be set for column `topic_id`
Problems with indexes of table `xoops_newblocks`
More than one INDEX key was created for column `mid`
Problems with indexes of table `xoops_priv_msgs`
PRIMARY and INDEX keys should not both be set for column `msg_id`
More than one INDEX key was created for column `to_userid`
Problems with indexes of table `xoops_ranks`
More than one INDEX key was created for column `rank_min`
Problems with indexes of table `xoops_users`
PRIMARY and INDEX keys should not both be set for column `uid`
More than one INDEX key was created for column `uname`
Problems with indexes of table `xoops_xoopspoll_log`
More than one INDEX key was created for column `poll_id`

I uploaded this script to the public_html dir in the webspace:

mysql_connect( 'localhost', 'uername', 'password' )
or die ( 'Unable to connect to server.' );

mysql_select_db( 'DBname' )
or die ( 'Unable to select database.' );


Test Complete.

I used my browser and went to the address http://blmoore6.hostultra.com/testmydb.php. The script said that the test completed just fine. So the script that is in the root DIR for the site can see and connect to the DB.


I went into the PHPMyadmin and turned on the PHP debug mode. and the using my browser went to http://blmoore6.hostultra.com/ and got the following.

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<' in /home/blmoore6/public_html/header.php on line 215
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file include/functions.php line 493
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file include/functions.php line 493
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file include/functions.php line 493
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file include/functions.php line 493
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 100

What does all that mean?

Edit 4:01 PM 1/30/2007:

I seem to have fixed the error above and now get the new below:

Fatal error: Call to a member function assign() on a non-object in /home/blmoore6/public_html/modules/news/index.php on line 141
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file include/functions.php line 493
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file include/functions.php line 493
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file include/functions.php line 493
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file include/functions.php line 493
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/configitem.php line 100
Notice [PHP]: Undefined variable: xoopsTpl in file modules/news/index.php line 141


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