It sounds like Formulize could definitely fill this need. You might have to make some custom pages in Pageworks if you're concerned about exactly how the table looks and what information is presented. But ultimately, that should be simpler than writing a new module or maybe even hacking something else that is maybe close (like MyReviews).
We always try to funnel as many development needs through Formulize as possible, so that when improvements are made to meet the needs of one project, they're immediately available to all other projects using Formulize. So notifications are a good example. One project needed notifications for when new entries are made in forms. We added in a notification system, and then all other projects using Formulize immediately had that, even though the use of Formulize in one site might be activity logs, and in another site it might be surveys. Those are quite different modes of interacting with information, but since they're based on the same general form system, ie: Formulize, they benefit from each other's improvements.
So the hope is that by making a generalized form and data management tool, then the same underlying features can support wildly different user-facing applications.
If you think Formulize might work for you, feel free to post more details of what you're trying to build in the discussion forums in our dev.xoops.org area, which you can easily reach through this URL:
http://www.freeformsolutions.ca/formulizeThe "Using Formulize..." PDF available for download there hopefully gives you enough background to get going.
Good luck,