Howdy gang.
For some odd reason, newer users that sign up for our site get a PM link in their profiles, while older members (which were converted from PHP Nuke to Xoops) don't.
I was digging into the database and discovered a row in the xoops_user_profile table called pm_link.
Well, turns out, all the converted users.....theirs is blank, while all others (1st admin account for emergencies and new users) shows this:
<a href="javascript:openWithSelfMain('{X_URL}/modules/pm/pmlite.php?send2=1&to_userid={X_UID}', 'pmlite', 550, 450);" title="Write a message to {X_UNAME}"><img src="{X_URL}/modules/pm/images/pm.gif" alt="Write a message to {X_UNAME}" />a>
How do I go about inserting this in EVERYONE's pm_link field in the database without having to do all 4000+ (or however many are blank) manually? What SQL code do I need to run to do that?
Thanks a bunch in advance!