well in fact I don't know exactly if this code will help me further because I had trouble installing the module...it means I couldn't install it at all...
so I didn't know if I would get any answers over here so I did the following...
I entered via phpMyAdmin to manage my database and executed the following query (adapt XOOPS to your table prefix, ok)
INSERT INTO `xoops_modules` (`mid`, `name`, `version`, `last_update`, `weight`, `isactive`, `dirname`, `hasmain`, `hasadmin`, `hassearch`, `hasconfig`, `hascomments`, `hasnotification`) VALUES (100, 'Mx_directory', 301, 1159559961, 1, 1, 'mxdirectory', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
with this insert I could tell XOOPS the module was installed...
after I copied the content of the file /sql/mysql.sql and executed the query again to create all the tables
third, I entered xoops' admin area and updated the module...
to conclude I had to reset permissions for the module under group management to have access to the icon under the admin
voilá... it was working...
but thanks anyway for the help