man im getting a headache trying to figure out why this doesnt work.
xoops_version... $modversion['oninstall'] = "oninstall.php";
file is oninstall.php
function xoops_module_install_xmspotlight(&$module){
global $xoopsDB;
//add field in stories table for link to img for article or spotlight.
if (!FieldExists('imgspotlight',$xoopsDB->prefix('stories'))) {
$result = $xoopsDB->query("ALTER TABLE ".$xoopsDB->prefix('stories'). " ADD imgspotlight varchar(255) NOT NULL default ' ' ");
//add some messages?
//add field in stories table for text for img credits
if (!FieldExists('imgspotlightdesc',$xoopsDB->prefix('stories'))) {
$result = $xoopsDB->query("ALTER TABLE ".$xoopsDB->prefix('stories')." ADD imgauthor varchar(255) NOT NULL default ' ' ");
//add some messages?
function FieldExists($fieldname,$table)
global $xoopsDB;
$result=$xoopsDB->queryF("SHOW COLUMNS FROM $table LIKE '$fieldname'");
return($xoopsDB->getRowsNum($result) > 0);
spent like an hour trying to figure out whats wrong.. any help would be great..
CBB / LatestNews / Publisher / XM-Spotlight