Since I installed MS Internet Explorer 7 (

) the width of the Modules dropdown menu takes up all the screen width to the left, see picture below.

It happens only with the Modules dropdown menu, not with the other menu's.
I've tried different themes for the admin panel, but the problem exists in all themes.
My site uses XOOPS 2.2.4, but the problem exists with XOOPS 2.2.5 RC1 also.
Another weird thing is the calendar as it is used in most modules for adding dates.
For i.e. in eXtCal the calendar is at the bottom of the page. When I click the calendar button I don't see the calendar appearing unless I scroll the page back to the top.
For some reason the calendar is placed at the top of a page in IE7.
I don't think these problems are caused by XOOPS (not sure...) because they don't happen with IE6, FireFox or Opera.
Does anybody have a solution to fix the above mentioned problems with IE7?