TinyD and Template
  • 2006/10/5 13:39

  • clownxx

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 43

  • Since: 2006/9/20

Hey, I use the contentmodul TinyD. I can create en easy PHP file en this one is displayed. Even global variables are accessable in my Content. Now my Question:
Is it possible to create Templatebased content to display in the contentmodul, e.g. when I got my Content.php in Tiny id like to do somethink like:

and fill it with
$xoopsTpl->assign('var', 'test'); //this works, the variable is submitted, but not the Template(?)

and finaly

then Tinyd writes the content to a variable named {$content}. This should be the conten out of my Template.
Can anybody help please?

thanks a lot


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