Dear All,
I have moved my XOOPS 2.2.3 Final to other server. I have chmod 777 for template_c, cache & uploads and 444 for mainfile.php. Also, I have modified the correct path into mainfile.php.
However, I still got no content in XOOPS (only display a template). When I turn on the debug mode, I found the below error message:
SELECT DISTINCT i.instanceid, b.*, i.* FROM xoops_block_instance i, xoops_newblocks b, xoops_block_module_link m WHERE m.block_id=i.instanceid AND i.instanceid IN (2,1,10,27,28,22,4,9,5,3,33,14,25,34,29,30,31) AND i.visible=1 AND i.bid=b.bid AND b.isactive=1 AND m.module_id=0 AND m.pageid IN (0, 1) ORDER BY i.weight,i.instanceid
Error number: 1146
Error message: Table 'xxxxdb.xoops_block_instance' doesn't exist
( 0.000611)
I have checked that the table really doesn't exist but it is the same in the old server.... So, anyone can help?
Thanks in advance.