I did find that in News using an HTML hyperlink with a relative path worked to open the page in the same browser. Like this:
I have added the files to the <a href="/modules/mydownloads/">Downloadsa> section.
However, I wasn't able to get this same thing to work with the Liase module, so I'm going to go ahead and do the hack and then use the siteurl bbcode (which I didn't even know about before... I was just using url as the bbcode).
(I don't normally like to do hacks, as you have to keep applying them after each upgrade, and I'm not that organized.
Note that if HTML is supported in your editor, you should be able to use
I have added the files to the <a href="http://www.mysite.com/modules/mydownloads/" target="_self">Downloadsa> section.
to also make the page load in the current browser.
Thanks for your help on this!