There are two ways possible implement this in your theme.
If your theme.html calls for external block HTML files, you need to change it there.
Example if your theme.html displays this:
<{foreach item=block from=$xoops_lblocks}>
<{include file="default/blocks/theme_blockleft.html"}>
Then you need to find theme_blockleft.html and change it to this
<{if $block.title != ""}><{$block.title}>
2. If your theme.html contains the block(s) information in itself, find this
And replace with this:
<{if $block.title != ""}><{$block.title}>
You will need to change it for each set of blocks: left, centercenter, centerleft, centerright, and right.
I know this may seem confusing, but you really need to tell us what theme you are using or how it calls for the blocks.
But I hope it helps