I already posted in the developers board - but no response.
I hope one of you coders can help me with a very urgent need.
I need the upcoming events block in extCal to show the upcoming events within the next 7 days, not the next defined amount of events regardless of their date.
Please can someone help me
I guess changes have to be made to the following code:
function getUpcomingEvent($user, $limit, $cats, $skipPerm = false)
$time = userTimeToServerTime(time(), $this->_extcalTime->_getUserTimeZone($user));
$criteriaCompo = new CriteriaCompo();
$criteriaCompo->add(new Criteria('event_start', $time, '>'));
$criteriaCompo->add(new Criteria('event_approved', 1));
if(!is_array($cats) && $cats > 0) {
$criteriaCompo->add(new Criteria('cat_id', $cats));
if(is_array($cats)) {
if(array_search(0, $cats) === false) {
$in = '('.current($cats);
foreach($cats as $cat) {
$in .= ','.$cat;
$in .= ')';
$criteriaCompo->add(new Criteria('cat_id', $in, 'IN'));
if(!$skipPerm) {
$authorizedAccessCats = $this->_extcalPerm->getAuthorizedCat($user, 'extcal_cat_view');
$count = count($authorizedAccessCats);
if($count > 0) {
$in = '('.$authorizedAccessCats[0];
foreach($authorizedAccessCats as $authorizedAccessCat) {
$in .= ','.$authorizedAccessCat;
$in .= ')';
$criteriaCompo->add(new Criteria('cat_id', $in, 'IN'));
} else {
$criteriaCompo->add(new Criteria('cat_id', '(0)', 'IN'));
return $this->getObjects($criteriaCompo);
Thank You very much for your help