Please help, No Mail is received
  • 2005/12/14 11:24

  • mbsprotty

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2005/12/14

Dear All, I am having troubles with my XOOPS .

I installed v2.0.13, and everything was just great, i found it better than phpNuke, and Mambo.
Until yesterday, after i have added all the sections in ..etc.., i tried to register a new user manually, and no activation code arrived.
I also tried to mass mail ppl, and nothing happened
I tried to change mail settings from php mail() to SMTP and SMTPAuth, and I added correct SMTP settings, and nothing happened.
Please help, wuts wrong ?


Re: Please help, No Mail is received
  • 2005/12/14 14:10

  • rprob8

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 5

  • Since: 2005/10/31

This might not be your answer ... but it is something I ran into when testing my site.

The problem wasn't in the sending of the mail but in the receiving. Turned out my anti-spam software was recognizing any mail from my site as spam and deleting it. I changed my settings, setting email from my site as and exception ... and everything is OK now.

Re: Please help, No Mail is received
  • 2005/12/15 9:12

  • mbsprotty

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2005/12/14

Thank you for answering mate.

I managed to solve the problem by upgrading to XOOPS 2.2, and then editing class.smtp.php file inside class/phpmailer . there was a line saying :
$SMTP_Port = 25 , i left it as it is.

and there also was a line saying

i changed the latter to 25. and it worked on Yahoo.co.uk SMTPAuth.

But its still funny, I tried my host's SMTPAuth, and it didnt work, and I tried GMAIL's SMTPAuth, and it didnt work either.
anywho, now the site is working fine.



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