AMS 2.41 -- Teasers on front page/topic page?

Is there any way in AMS 2.41 to display just the first X number of words on the index page and the topic pages? There must be, because there's a "read more" link, but I can't for the life of me get it to display just the truncated form. Any help would bea appreciated.

Ace Armstrong
The Man. The Myth. The Mammal.
Intelligent, informed debate good. Innuendo bad. See for yourself!

Re: AMS 2.41 -- Teasers on front page/topic page?

Also...when I make a change, it says the database was updated, but then nothing changes.

Any clues? Please? I am getting desperate here.
Ace Armstrong
The Man. The Myth. The Mammal.
Intelligent, informed debate good. Innuendo bad. See for yourself!

Re: AMS 2.41 -- Teasers on front page/topic page?
  • 2005/11/7 20:23

  • tripmon

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 462

  • Since: 2004/2/28

If you are using the 'Spotlight' block built into the module admin, you can set teasers by clicking 'EDIT' for the article in question WITHIN the 'Spotlight' section of AMS administration.
Automatic Teaser -> NO
Maximum Length of Auto-Teaser ->number of characters to be displayed.

OTHERWISE, you can use:

in the article itself to set the breakpoint for teasers.

Re: AMS 2.41 -- Teasers on front page/topic page?
  • 2005/11/7 20:25

  • TottoBG

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 111

  • Since: 2005/8/18

What maybe all the news modules are doing is cuting the number of symbols displayed in the blocks and topic page, not the number of words cause it would be much harder to be achieved I think. Not familiar with AMS module but surely it's doing the same. And if there's no option in module preferences for this number, then it should be hardcoded in the scripts. That's from me but maybe s.o. else will be able to help you with a hack for what you need.

Re: AMS 2.41 -- Teasers on front page/topic page?


tripmon wrote:
If you are using the 'Spotlight' block built into the module admin, you can set teasers by clicking 'EDIT' for the article in question WITHIN the 'Spotlight' section of AMS administration.
Automatic Teaser -> NO
Maximum Length of Auto-Teaser ->number of characters to be displayed.

OTHERWISE, you can use:

in the article itself to set the breakpoint for teasers.

I was trying that but it didn't work. I did discover the problem though: you have to make it at least a minor revision or it just treats any changes like you hit "Cancel".

Ace Armstrong
The Man. The Myth. The Mammal.
Intelligent, informed debate good. Innuendo bad. See for yourself!

Re: AMS 2.41 -- Teasers on front page/topic page?
  • 2005/11/7 20:34

  • tripmon

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 462

  • Since: 2004/2/28

Good thing it wasn't a snake all lurking on the bottom of the form...

@totto..... doesn't discern words, but characters.


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