How do I make templates part of a theme?
  • 2005/11/2 18:56

  • dleewo

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 12

  • Since: 2004/9/16

I'm working on a theme that requires me to make a few changes to some template files. I've already cloned the template and made the changes and I can get them to work this way.

Based on what I can find, it seems that I can actually make those template changes part of my theme by including them in a "templates" directories such as "templates//" and "templates//blocks/" within my theme. Is that correct?

If I do this and want to now distribute my theme, do I have have to tell people to go through the cloning process, or can they then simply install the theme as they would any other theme and it'll work "out-of-the-box"

Lastly, is there any tutorial or document out there that talks about templates? I've found a lot of stuff about themes and the only stuff I can find on templates talk about cloning them and making them active.


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