Just my opinion...
I'm not a sk8'r, but what you are trying to do is universal - just pick your hobby.
Have you tried doing more than pics on the front page. For instance, I would think that anyone looking for a site like your site would be interested in what's going on, more than the gallery of pictures. I mean, the pictures are cool, but you want to have information that catches the users eye and holds them - makes them believe that you are an authority on your hobby.
Maybe try mixing the front page up with your gallery and the Spotlight block. Somthing that puts the news up front. Right now, I see that the news is mostly linking to other stuff - and it's slim on info. Maybe add news that talks about these events, reviews them.
maybe from the site name, you are more interested in just photos. Are there photos I can't see unless I'm registered? What is the advantage of me registering? You have to sell the idea a bit. Also, I would think that some folks might be worried about what happens if they register. Does their info get sold to otehr webmasters? Things like that.
Now, on looks, you're a skaters photo site - jazz it up! I've seen your type skating - and you are all flamboyant - show it!
There are great themes out there that could really be cool and flashy.
Good Luck!