Variables in url for xoops login
  • 2005/9/30 17:23

  • EyeKeeper

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 209

  • Since: 2002/6/11

Hello folks!

what I'm trying to do is to use a login via flash to provide the information to login on xoops.
But I'm not getting it to work... the only thing I got running is to have the variables send together with the url but then I'm not able to login and get the wrong password/username error page.
As I look into the template file for the login procedure I need to have three variables to be able to login:

- op to identify the operation (login)
- uname --> the username
- pass --> for the password

When I click my submit button the url looks like:

How can I handle that? I don't understand quite anything aboiut flash so I don't know ho to send hidden variables?

But how can I ...

a) change the checklogin file so that it can read the url?
b) make the variables not be visible on the url since I'm sending the user's password?

I looked up here through the forums and search function, but I couldn't find anything that helped me...
Thanks in advance,

Re: Variables in url for xoops login
  • 2005/10/3 12:02

  • EyeKeeper

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 209

  • Since: 2002/6/11

any ideas?

Re: Variables in url for xoops login
  • 2005/10/3 12:58

  • McNaz

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 574

  • Since: 2003/4/21

Hi RedEye.


This will not work as you are submitting the required op, uname and pass variables through a GET, which XOOPS will not read.

You will need to submit the above via a POST. I don't use Flash so have no idea on how to do a POST submit in Flash. Try looking through the Flash help for POST submits.

I would be surprised if it can't be done.



Re: Variables in url for xoops login
  • 2005/10/3 14:12

  • EyeKeeper

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 209

  • Since: 2002/6/11


You will need to submit the above via a POST. I don't use Flash so have no idea on how to do a POST submit in Flash. Try looking through the Flash help for POST submits.

hi there...

I'm sending via POST



where Formlogin is the object containing the three vairables... BTW... I'm using XOOPS v 2.2

Re: Variables in url for xoops login
  • 2006/3/18 5:33

  • MadNav

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 12

  • Since: 2003/8/12


not sure about doing this in flash but should be straight forward enough to just make a HTML file on your XOOPS site called whatever*.html:

Xoops site Autologin User

Then of course, just make a hyperlink in your flash app to yoursite.web/whatever*.html .... Not sure if you can encrypt your flash to safeguard the link or not but may be a mute point as the end-user will end up with the link info in their cache just by default. More could be done to secure this I'm sure but if you keep the whatever*.html file on your site you can keep working out the security details and change the password periodically as needed without having to resend/provide the app with new info each revision.

Hope this helps.. I've been pulling my hair out doing user group test 1 login at a time and well its tedious to say the least. This should be able to be manipulated to generate new accounts with a little modification just look at the register form in user.php file to work out the details.



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