Hi everybody and thanx to developers for the great work with Xoops. It is a very versatile CMS and I'm very satisfied about it.
I've tried to use is it in our (office) Intranet portal and I have two problems because we don't have a direct connetion to Internet. For Internal policy reason we need to use a Squid Proxy server.
First: with xhld modules for Headlinise I've configured the proxy option in preferences (ip address, port, username, password) but doesn't work. The error (for any feed) is: "XmlParse error: mismatched tag at line 5"
Second: How can I use an Custom block to wrap an external page ( like a java script from TrendMicro virus news ) without user side Proxy Basic Authtentication. In fact it is work but him (the page) ask to the user to authenticate with the proxy. I'd like to do that server side (same work like xhld modules - if it's possible)
Thank you guys!