First you nead to deactivate all sidebox for that module, that is done in "Blocks Administration" can be a hard work to do.
For the themes, well what themes do you use, do you now any html...?
you can hide alot with this code in theme file.
<{if $xoops_showlblock == 1}> <{/if}>
Here is an exemple in the theme "phpkaox"
you see here, if non Left sidebox is active, this code will hide the left block.
But i nead to see what themes you use, cant be done with all..
<{if $xoops_showlblock == 1}>
<{foreach item=block from=$xoops_lblocks}> <{$block.title}> | <{$block.content}> |
<{/foreach}> | <{/if}>
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