How do you edit the template for recent news 1.4?
  • 2005/8/21 7:37

  • wizanda

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1585

  • Since: 2004/3/21

I currently editing all the templates on my front page to remove the extra dates, all over and to center everything.

I have tried to do this with the recent news block, yet it doesn't change.

When I download a copy of the template it is diffrent to the normal template, which I have centered and removed the date.

It fetchs the Info from some where else, yet I can't figure out where??

So simpley how do I edit the template for the recent new block, So I can center it and remove the date please??

Re: How do you edit the template for recent news 1.4?

If you edit a template locally you will need to update the module to load the templates from the module directory to the database.

Re: How do you edit the template for recent news 1.4?
  • 2005/8/21 10:23

  • wizanda

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  • Posts: 1585

  • Since: 2004/3/21

Tried it, done that with all other blocks and it is ok.

Problem is that with the new news blocks, it doesn't use just the template it fetchs it from somewhere else.

So I have edited the template, and updated. Yet if you download a copy of the template, from the site. It is total diffrent to the one that is contained in the template directory.


Re: How do you edit the template for recent news 1.4?
  • 2005/8/21 18:53

  • wizanda

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  • Since: 2004/3/21



Re: How do you edit the template for recent news 1.4?

It fetches it from the database, if you update the module after editing the block files in the module folder it will load the new templates into the default template set of the database, if you are using a cloned set you will also need to delete and regenerate them manually.


Re: How do you edit the template for recent news 1.4?
  • 2005/8/21 21:00

  • wizanda

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1585

  • Since: 2004/3/21

I know you are trying to be helpful, yet if you read what I replied!!!!!!!!!
It doesnt work, herve has changed the way it uses the templates.
I have edited the block, updated, it 5 times, just done it again to see if by chance it may work this time it doesn't!!

Problem is that with the new news blocks, it doesn't use just the template it fetchs it from somewhere else.

So I have edited the template, and updated. Yet if you download a copy of the template, from the site. It is total diffrent to the one that is contained in the template directory.

I have spent 2 years using xoops, I do know how to use it.

Thanks for the help though

Re: How do you edit the template for recent news 1.4?
  • 2005/8/21 21:32

  • stefan88

  • Community Support Member

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  • Since: 2004/9/20

What you want to center, news text? As far as I remember this is in css file.

When working with templates why not clone the template set, set it to be used as default and edit it ...

Re: How do you edit the template for recent news 1.4?
  • 2005/8/21 21:37

  • wizanda

  • Home away from home

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  • Since: 2004/3/21

LoL (

It isn't that simple, I have edited the template, updated it.

Yet If you download a copy of the template from the site it is not the same.

In other words it fetchs, what is displayed from a php file some where.

I do not know where??

Re: How do you edit the template for recent news 1.4?
  • 2005/8/21 21:49

  • stefan88

  • Community Support Member

  • Posts: 1086

  • Since: 2004/9/20

Well you are not very clear what you want to do ...

There are some things done in class.newsstory.php related to the information you see.

As for the templates... How many template sets you have - 1 or more? How you edited it - offline, upload it and update the module or online thru the admin menu?

Re: How do you edit the template for recent news 1.4?
  • 2005/8/21 22:02

  • wizanda

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1585

  • Since: 2004/3/21

What I am trying to do, is to edited all the center blocks templates off my front page.

So that everything in the center block is centered, remove most of the extra dates.

I have 1 template set, default.

I have edited the template file, and uploaded it, then updated.

I will have a look tomorrow for the class.newsstory.php and see what I need to edit to do this?

Although having a quick look thru it, I dont see where I should edited to remove the date and center it?


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