I just upgraded to XOOPS 2.2. After the upgrade, the topic images are not showing for AMS, but only in IE. In Firefox everything looks as it should.
What I've done:
* Preferences Main »» General Settings »» Update module template .html files from themes/your theme/templates directory? == Yes
* Updated every module (including system) in modules admin
* Deleted all files in templates_c
* Reverted back to default template set
* Tried a different template set
* Cloned the default template set and tried the clone
* Cleared browser cache manually and with a deep cleaning app
* Rebooted my computer
* Verified the permissions of every folder in the tree
* Compared and verified DB data integrity
* Resubmitted every topic, article and Spotlight
* Almost wore out my F5 button
* Tried every debug mode available
* Verified problem exists on another computer
* Looked through code until my eyes crossed
* Repeated every possible combination of the above for the last 2 hours.
Images are displaying correctly for every other component of my site. ONLY AMS is experiencing these difficulties.
Also, every time I approve an article, if the article contains either single or double quotes, the quote is escaped with a \.
When reviewing for approval...
MySQL Administrator\'s Guide
Should be...
MySQL Administrator's Guide
This also happens with URLs. I've been experiencing the escaped character problem since XOOPS 2.0.13.
Mith, Brash, or anyone else, I really could use some help with this one! Could somebody please verify that the topic images do indeed display in Firefox (or any other browser), but not in IE. Any solution to these two bugs would be awesome as well.
http://mywebresource.com/Thanks to anyone who can help.
Insanity can be defined as "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
Stupidity is not a crime. Therefore, you are free to go.