The way i usually do this is to make my own module for each page I want to display in the middle of Xoops. To make your own custom module, you only need to create 2 files: index.php and xoops_version.php in a new folder. Lets call this folder 'myModule' for example.
Then, in the index.php,
should copy/paste this code:
your HTML content goes here, between these php tags ;) This also works for Flash content, just copy/paste from your flash.htnl file and place it here
include ("../../footer.php");
Here is a second possibility for creating your index.php, using an include(); instead of hardcoding the HTML in the php page. This helps make the code a bit more modular and easier to handle.
Create your html in Dreamweaver or whatever editor, then upload all files to this same module directory (myModule) for example)...and use this code to include it:
include ("../../footer.php");
OK, then in xoops_version.php
copy/paste this code:
$modversion['name'] = "title that you want to display in main menu";
$modversion['version'] = "alpha testing only";
$modversion['description'] = "description here";
$modversion['credits'] = "The XOOPS Project
Thanks to blah blah blah....";
$modversion['author'] = "John Lyons (";
$modversion['help'] = "";
$modversion['license'] = "GPL see LICENSE";
$modversion['official'] = 0;
$modversion['image'] = "logo.gif";
$modversion['dirname'] = "myModule";
// Menu
$modversion['hasMain'] = 1;
Then upload this new folder to your modules directory. Log into your site as admin, go to Modules, and add this module. Don't forget to give group rights to access this module.
That should do it, I hope its all ok becuase its late here and I am tired.
P.S. --> if you are trying to include content that is on another URL and you cant copy/paste the code, try using the
framebrowser script