News problem: Topics listed horizontally and Can't get access to module setting in the admin page.
  • 2005/7/10 8:29

  • cwayne

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 35

  • Since: 2004/2/25

Hi there,

I tried to upgrade my news module from 1.2 to
Did all the steps listed in the Upgrade instruction file.
However, after the upgrade, all the topics in the index page of the news module are now listed horizontally.
that is, one after one extened to the right hand side of the page.
I tried to change the theme back to the default one but that's not helping.

Also, while trying to find if any settings I could change in the module settings, it turned out that I can't even see the module settings page.
It's totally blank, with no errors with PHP debug on.
There's even no pop-up window showing SQL comman executed while turing the debug mode to SQL debugging.

Does anyone having this problem as well ?

I can now only pull down my news module for that really messed up the whole website.

any idea ?


Re: News problem: Topics listed horizontally and Can't get access to module setting in the admin pag
  • 2005/7/10 13:56

  • rabideau

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1042

  • Since: 2003/4/25

You might try rolling back the news module to your previous version. Sometimes that helps resolve a module problem. Hopefully you still have a copy of the old module.

To do a complete roll-back this process generally works:

1. Delete the current (problem) module through cpanel or ftp (if you unistall the news module your data will be all deleted; you may not want that... so do not automatically unistall the problem module. )
2. Upload the old version of the module in question
3. go to admin>> modules and do an update of the module (which should reinstall the last version
4. If you made a backup of your DB before you upgraded the module, reload that copy of your DB. If not you may have some 'extra' db fields that need removal, by hand. Often you can just leave them though they'll just eat a bit of disk space.

Good luck.

btw. a link to your site might help people assist you--- seeing the problem is often useful
Pax vobiscum,

may the road rise to meet your feet!


Re: News problem: Topics listed horizontally and Can't get access to module setting in the admin pag
  • 2005/7/11 14:22

  • cwayne

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 35

  • Since: 2004/2/25

Hi rabideau,

thanks a lot.
just did the roll-back and my web's now working fine.

think I'll keep the old 1.2 for a longer time before I could find some more time for the upgrading again.

nevertheless, thanks again for the help.




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