uploading files via wfsection
  • 2005/6/21 17:36

  • bungoman85

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 27

  • Since: 2005/5/23

Ok, yet another question about the wfsection module. Is there a way to allow users to upload files from the front end? So far I've only been able to find a way to upload files when submitting an article through the administration menu. That doesn't do me much good if I want non-administrative users to be able to upload files.

Re: uploading files via wfsection
  • 2005/6/21 20:26

  • Peekay

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 2335

  • Since: 2004/11/20

In WF preferences, under File Submission, you need to control-click 'Webmasters' and 'Registered Users' (or anonymous users) to ensure they are both on the list. You then set the max filesize etc in the fields directly below.

In Mimetype Management, you then need to find the mimetype of the files you want to allow users to upload. Click the 'Red' button in the 'User' column to turn it 'Green'. The mimetype(s) will appear in the list called 'Allowed User Mimetypes'

When a user is in the WF-Sections 'section', there should be a button in the menubar titled 'Submit Article'. About half way down the submit article form, under 'Create Upload' there should be a filename field and a 'Browse' button for you to locate the file to upload.



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