What is going on with the News module versioning? backwards????
  • 2005/6/20 15:55

  • Feneex

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 98

  • Since: 2004/12/25

Hi folks,

I've had installed on my site News 1.31, but last week saw that here is new "definitive" version of News module with the version number 1.3. So, I thought it is an upgrade, but after I have made an install some of the features, like article keywords disapeared :(

Is it trully the last version in repository?????

What is the purpose to put the older version instead of new one? The 1.31 i used before was more or less stable and now I am getting some strange errors :/

Some explanation?

Re: What is going on with the News module versioning? backwards????

version 1.31 is newer than 1.3

However, 1.3.1 is not yet labelled "stable" by the developer, Hervé. Therefore, when we recently spotted that News was missing from the Repository, we added the latest stable version - which is 1.3.

However, since you had 1.3.1 working and working well, you should - with the benefit of hindsight - not have "upgraded". My suggestion to you is to put the 1.3.1 version back up (all files) and update the News module.

Re: What is going on with the News module versioning? backwards????
  • 2005/6/20 17:02

  • Feneex

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 98

  • Since: 2004/12/25

thanx for an answer

I think I'll stick with 1.3, because the up- or down-grading takes too much time
On the front end it works fine, but... I've spotted that the feature of 1.31 to trick search engine spiders is making influence to page positions!!! I hope that with the down-graded module I won't drop a lot :)

Re: What is going on with the News module versioning? backwards????

I've spotted that the feature of 1.31 to trick search engine spiders is making influence to page positions!!!

"Trick"? And do you mean positive or negative influence?

There's nothing tricky about setting meta keywords by each article - on the contrary, that is what they are there for.

Re: What is going on with the News module versioning? backwards????
  • 2005/6/20 17:46

  • Feneex

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 98

  • Since: 2004/12/25


Mithrandir wrote:
I've spotted that the feature of 1.31 to trick search engine spiders is making influence to page positions!!!

"Trick"? And do you mean positive or negative influence?

There's nothing tricky about setting meta keywords by each article - on the contrary, that is what they are there for.

The more positive influence is made, that news module is shown differently to search engine spider - providing the links from the any news page (with the some amount of articles shown) to ALL the news pages. I don't remember in exact words, but it was written by developer.

In practice if I put the same text in wf-channel (the most cool simple module I've found) and in news the difference in positioning is terrible. The text from News is in top 20, while from WFchannel is merely in top 200. Of course it is not made only by this feature but of all of them. Anyway, on some XOOPS pages with the older News versions I've developed, the difference between static (Wf-channel, tinycontent, cj-content...) and news pages was not so significant.

One more thing I definitely want to recomend to all xoopsers: the better positioning is achieved by using optimized modules AND optimised templates AND themes (!!!)

I hope I'll have anough time and enthusiasm to release short guide to optimize default XOOPS template set.


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