Module for setting up clubs

Can someone put together a module to allow clubs to be setup within a XOOPS site (see below what I and many other are looking for) a lot of the core code is there it has a LOT of the features of the main site code.

1: I want to give the registered members on my site the ability to setup a club.
2: They will have the following admin rights over the club. Setting up a "Home page" for that club to inform other members about the club.
3: Aurothorising or declining members to join there club.
4: Have the ablity to send all the club members an email
5: With in the club you will have a diary system that will allow them to set dates for events for the members to attend an event and for the members to search the calander for forth comming events of interest.

But as the webmaster I will have complet control over it all.

What I'm looking for is part of the XOOPS site within a site, ALL the code is there it's just a case of taking all the right bits and making this into a module with a stamp on it from the developer, a few added extras. Then this can be roled out to ALL users of XOOPS to benefit.

I hope this give who erver is reading a better idear of what I'm looking for if not let me know. All the bits are there can someone PLEASE put this together.


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