Editors and News 1.3
  • 2005/5/8 16:34

  • juanjo

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 18

  • Since: 2005/3/20

Hi xoopsers!
I have News 1.3 in my computer. My Article writers are not very computer freaks so I wanted to have any wysiwyg in my News module.
So I installed News 1.3 and everything seemed to work fine, but then:
- Htmlarea would only show in Firefox, not in IE (version 6.0.2800.1106-winxp). My htmlarea is the last one you can download in the dev.xoops. I liked it very much. Firstly it didn't work in my News article writing section but then I uncommented a line (the only one that was commented out in formhtmlarea.php) and now I have htmlarea in ff but not in IE (there is javascript code, but nothing shows up in the webpage, you can only see that it's there in the source code).
- Koivi, worked both in IE and FF. BUT when I try to insert an image (I replaced correctly the system_image_manager.html), it won't work for any navigator.
- Spaw works!! But... sincerely, I don't like it as much as Htmlarea or koivi... It doesn't show any 'alt' texts for the buttons it shows in order to see what are they for...
- FCKEditor won't see any images. It isn't able to get the images I try to upload and doesn't see the existing ones...

Can anyone advice my on how I could get these nice editors work???
Thanks in advance and sorry for the long mail... :P


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